Meeting #01 | 17 January 2024

Meeting #01 | 17 January 2024

CIP-CCG Members:

Alan Greenberg, Amrita Choudhury, Benjamin Akinmoyeje, Bill Jouris, Bram Fudzulani, Caleb Ogundele, Carlos Aguirre, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Chris Disspain, Christelle Vaval, Erum Welling, Irina Danelia, Lori Schulman, Naveed Bin Rais, Nenad Orlić, Owen Smigelski, Ricardo Holmquist, Santanu Acharya, Sean Copeland, Sebastien Bachollet, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Tom Barrett, Tommi Karttaavi, Wisdom Donkor

ICANN Organization: 

Alice Jansen, Alperen Eken, Evin Erdogdu, Giovanni Seppia, Jason Kean, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jessica Puccio, Larisa Gurnick, Sherwood Moore, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:Jeff Bedser, Justine Chew, Manju Chen, Tracy Hackshaw

Audio recording EN   (01:22:41) Passcode: uJ=Ml6@+!=

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN

Documents: Continuous Improvement Program Research PPT

Meeting ReportPDF

Action Items:

  • ICANN org: Send invitations for recurring General Meetings with the Community (bi-weekly)
  • ICANN org: Share meeting minutes/resources and action items for CIP-CCG.
  • ICANN org: Provide suitable, introductory level guide of continuous improvement methodologies presented.
  • Community Volunteers: Determine whether a rapporteur is needed from the CIP-CCG volunteers.
  • Community Volunteers: Bring back information about what their groups are doing as part of their own continuous improvement efforts.

» Community Volunteers: Regularly engage with their community leadership throughout the calendar year 2024: Identify a potentially relevant working group or recurring community meeting where they can update their community and solicit feedback on this important work of the Community Coordination Group.

Call Details

Zoom Room Invitation for 17 JAN 2024

18:00 - 19:30 UTC  (timezone converter here)

For questions, please email rsa-coordinators@icann.org.


  • CIP-CCG introductions — Representatives, Alternates, ICANN org (40 minutes) 
  • Background of ATRT3 Recommendation 3.6 and existing resources — Evin Erdoğdu, ICANN org (10 minutes)
  • Presentation of ICANN org research, overview of Principles-Based Approach to CIP Framework — Sherwood Moore and Larisa Gurnick, ICANN org (15 minutes)
  • Terms of Reference for CIP-CCG, timeline and work plan  — Evin Erdoğdu, ICANN org (20 minutes)
  • AOB and next steps — ICANN org (5 minutes)