Meeting #19 | 27 November 2024

Meeting #19 | 27 November 2024

CIP-CCG Members:

Bill Jouris, Bukola Oronti, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Glen De Saint Gery, Irina Danelia, Jeffrey Bedser, Owen Smigelski, Sean Copeland, Sébastien Bachollet, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Tracy Hackshaw

ICANN Organization: 

Alice Jansen, Berry Cobb, Jason Kean, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Karen Lentz, Theresa Swinehart, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:Amrita Choudhury, Chris Disspain, Justine Chew, Manju Chen, Naveed Bin Rais, Santanu Acharya

Audio recording EN  (00:50:45) Passcode: 6JFCd?x?$?

Zoom recording:  HERE

Transcript:  EN

Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN

Documents: Proposed slide deck for 04 Webinar to review

Meeting Report: PDF

Action Items:

  • Update slidedeck based on input received.

  • Create a Skype chat for CIP-CCG webinar panelists to discuss their talking points for the webinar.

  • Ensure calendar invitation for the 4 December webinar is sent to all CIP-CCG members. (Confirmed this was sent on 20 November)

Call Details
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 4045 4502
Passcode: mq6y^c?@u2
Find your local number: https://icann.zoom.us/u/adBNSD2eOY

20:00 - 21:00 UTC  (timezone converter here)

For questions, please email rsa-coordinators@icann.org.


  • Welcome  — ICANN org (5 minutes)
  • Walk through 04 December Webinar slide deck — CIP-CCG Small Team and CIP-CCG Representatives, and ICANN org (45 minutes)
  • AOB and next steps — ICANN org (10 minutes)