Public Comment Period | Continuous Improvement Program Framework

Public Comment Period | Continuous Improvement Program Framework

Open for Submissions

21 November 2024

Closed for Submissions

21 January 2025 | 23:59 UTC

Report Due

13 February 2025 | 23:59 UTC

The Third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) Recommendation 3.6 calls for Organizational Reviews led by Independent Examiners to be evolved into a Continuous Improvement Program led by the ICANN community. The ICANN community significantly contributed to the evolution of Organizational Reviews into a Continuous Improvement Program, with 21 out of 22 of the groups across the ICANN community represented in the Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG). The CIP-CCG regularly convened and engaged with their community groups throughout 2024 to develop a Continuous Improvement Program Framework. Best practices were applied by considering a broad range of continuous improvement methodologies used by other organizations to arrive at the Principles, Criteria, Indicators model, identified as the best model for ICANN. The CIP-CCG also applied lessons learned from previous experiences with Organizational Reviews.

The CIP-CCG is seeking input on whether the Continuous Improvement Program Framework is fit for purpose for each Supporting Organization, Advisory Committee, and the Nominating Committee. The Continuous Improvement Program Framework will strengthen the existing culture of continuous improvement, while enabling the community groups to identify areas for improvement and work toward these improvements in a way that works for them. By adopting the proposed framework, the community groups can do what makes sense for them while maintaining accountability to their stakeholders and transparency to the ICANN community.

The Continuous Improvement Program Framework:

  • Introduces a Principles, Criteria, Indicators framework and its application to evolve ICANN Organizational Reviews led by Independent Examiners into a Continuous Improvement Program led by the ICANN community.
  • Suggests five overarching principles based on the existing scope of Organizational Reviews, in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws.
  • Provides description of principles, criteria, and indicators that were developed by the CIP-CCG: Volunteers applied the Continuous Improvement Program Framework to develop 3-5 criteria and related indicators with their groups, and identified best practices for collaboration with their groups.
  • Provides examples of continuous improvement tools (including criteria, indicators, and a survey) that the ICANN community can use to implement and evolve the Continuous Improvement Program.

What we need your input on:

  1. Whether the Continuous Improvement Program Framework is fit for purpose to evolve Organizational Reviews led by Independent Examiners into a Continuous Improvement Program led by the ICANN community, to inform the eventual Holistic Review:
    1. Do you support the Continuous Improvement Program Framework (comprising Principles, Criteria, and Indicators)? See pages 6 and 8.
      • Please provide your rationale and related suggestions for improvement.
    2. Do you agree with the five principles, based on the current Organizational Review objectives described in the ICANN Bylaws, to apply across the organizational structures (SOs, ACs, and the NomCom)? See page 7.
      • Please provide your rationale and related suggestions for improvement.
  2. Agreement for the Continuous Improvement Program Framework to be adopted by each SO, AC, and the NomCom:
    1. Do you agree with the plan for the next steps to carry the Continuous Improvement Program out in two, 3-year assessment periods? See pages 9 and 10.
      • Please provide your rationale and related suggestions for improvement.

These questions were updated on 4 December for Clarity.