AC Chat: 2017-02-08 At-Large Review Working Party Call

AC Chat: 2017-02-08 At-Large Review Working Party Call

 Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Review Working Party Call on Wednesday, 08 February 2017 at 21:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2grHBQ

  Evin Erdogdu:Haha I am learning quickly ;)

  Evin Erdogdu:Looking forward to meeting you all in ICANN58!

  Aída Noblia:HI ALL

  Aída Noblia:Hi all

  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hola

  Heidi Ullrich:Vanda joining shortly

  Leon Sanchez:G'day Cheryl!

  Lars Hoffmann:@holly - the timeline was just sent to the LT not the full list yet. but i am happy to disseminate as you see fit.

  vanda:hi all

  Ariel Liang:Holly's document: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/0ArHBQ

  Ariel Liang:Google doc is here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1htveB25KKaYzmYZplOcmeDGqbcnsOsTaxRp1cYiTGx8_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=mrDeztziKLa7gZqGADzxcnHA3QXmXYsnChWYBR4NElI&m=Ig24kF6DhFA2ZcXcbA-mUcyxEKbIemwnPOvx_rh1CmA&s=eVdLwfR-SGxKsRKbnt580QEnqg0luokgdQYNHeW5O0o&e=  

  John Laprise:Correction: I did not put it in Google docs but have put comments to the Google doc

  John Laprise:Hmmm...anyone have a rule of thumb heuristic for how much time it takes for a new person to get up to speed to particiate effectively?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):it does vary John, but it can be well more than 12mbfor minimal effective levels to be seen sometimes way more

  vanda:I agree he can join at the final to understanding the issues

  Lars Hoffmann:thank you, cheryl!

  vanda:for me looks good

  Andrei Kolesnikov:either way: 3D

  Andrei Kolesnikov:3d column might be instrumental to keep tmp comments

  Andrei Kolesnikov:gdocs works well

  Maureen Hilyard:I like Google doc but it uses a lot of broadband which is expensive for me.

  vanda:Cheryl  is right

  Eduardo Diaz:Then we should use the WIKI ONLY

  Eduardo Diaz:otherwise will be messy and out of sync

  Maureen Hilyard:People can use what they want to use.. I'll prbably use it too and hang the cost!!

  Leon Sanchez:I hate to be THAT guy but do we realize we are 20 minutes in the call discussing process? :P

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):many WG's are using both now

  Eduardo Diaz:It will  make the work a LOT harder

  vanda:yes let's keep with both and move on

  Eduardo Diaz:@Leaon: it is important that get the input in the right place.

  Leon Sanchez:I agree Ed, I was just kidding, hence the :P at the end ;-)

  vanda:agree with ALAN to have well understood by ITEMS

  Eduardo Diaz:We can cahnge this table to be a recomendation by recomendation then the whole thing can be compile into an ALAC statement somehow

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):we could do but...

  John Laprise:only 16 recs

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):you still are Tijani in the que Holly

  Holly Raiche:@ John - we need to address findings and elements of the EMM as well

  Andrei Kolesnikov:positive, based on facts, suggesting, reality checked solutions and clear stated "not an issue "

  Heidi Ullrich:@All, the format of the ATLAS II recommendations might be useful - see: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_als2_Post-2BATLAS-2BII-2BImplementation-2B-2D-2BRecommendations&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=mrDeztziKLa7gZqGADzxcnHA3QXmXYsnChWYBR4NElI&m=Ig24kF6DhFA2ZcXcbA-mUcyxEKbIemwnPOvx_rh1CmA&s=3sAf0yQ4TvP6RUebF0reM2b0JhF-n1YcjUSBqnYKgXk&e=

  avri doria (observer):in the case of the GNSO review we spent a fair time analysing and commenting on the review before it went to the board.  just saying.  might be worth digging up that schedule to see what kind of time line GNSO took.

  avri doria (observer):and this was after the fnial report was released.

  vanda:I agree with AVRi and understood ALAN is also suggest it

  Andrei Kolesnikov:Avri: sometime years :)

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes especially in terms of looking at Implementation @Avri

  avri doria (observer):on the draft i would recommend focusing on getting it as correct as possible.

  Maureen Hilyard:Do the topics in your document relate to ITEMS recommendations - can this be indicated if they do?

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I am (not surprisingly)  very supportive of that multi pronged approach now Tijani

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):good point @Maureen we can cross check to specific Recs as well ( another column or box

  vanda:tijani point - I believe ITEMS have heard so complex statements among ralos and ALS that they in some way make reform proposing that may be helpful to analyze our behave but is not exactly a review report in my view

  John Laprise:I'm not sure that we (as at large) even know what we agree upon with respect to the recommendations

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):very disturbing news out of Paris

  Larisa Gurnick:To respond to Avri's suggestion about the GNSO Review Timeline, if the Workinng Party would like, staff can provide that timeline.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes much to discuss John at the RALOs and ALSes

  Eduardo Diaz:I beleive this call is to talk about how we move forward in capturing all comments in one place and then putting something together that will have something that makes sense.. PArallel to this work we should  put in place the strategy that Tijany mentioned.  

  vanda:Ed - yes we need to move on

  Heidi Ullrich:@Holly, please state any Action Item clearly.

  Eduardo Diaz:It will be messy having it in two places.

  Alan Greenberg:I think that this is a good place to collect information. It may not be the best format to present  in the PC.

  Holly Raiche:@Ed - agreed - but not everyone is happy with one method.  I will wear having two

  Eduardo Diaz:@Allan: You mean teh WIKI?

  Alan Greenberg:I mean the table.

  Leon Sanchez:Could it be that we begin working on a google doc and then have Tijani's contribution added to that same doc? Just thinking on alternatives

  Holly Raiche:@ Leon - Maureen also has a problem with caqpacity to the cook islands

  Leon Sanchez:Understood @Holly

  Eduardo Diaz:Then we should use the WIKI only. That is our main tool. Just so we are aware thatnot many people know how to edit the dociuemnt and add the comment in the right place.. Google excell in that. The other thing is to have peole put comments in the comment place but make sure that comments starts with the recommendation # ( we need to nuember them)

  Eduardo Diaz:The link of the POST ATLASII that HEidi included in the chart is a good starting point.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):we still have to try out bit not suggesting a house

  Eduardo Diaz:We can tell RALOS and and ALS that the page is open it for comments. UNfortunatelly it will have to be in english only. No time to do it anyother way.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):GRRR house should be hold on Drafting

  Maureen Hilyard:@holly.. if recommendations are what the Board will take note of then they have to be addressed with whether we agree or don't agree with them.. but as Tijani said if we don't agree then we must off solutions

  Maureen Hilyard:offer solutions..

  vanda:I am with Holly here. focus

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes parallel work flows

  vanda:+ 1 cheryl

  Holly Raiche:Thanks Ed

  John Laprise:sounds like a good plan Alan...I'll take the same pledge on rec commenting

  Heidi Ullrich:@All, could we set up a wiki page that sets out the recommendations and then Holly's headings?

  Maureen Hilyard:@Heidi.. sounds good

  Alan Greenberg:EMM *IS* part of the recs. It is Rec 3.

  vanda:Yes Holly

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):split chat... it was " we still need to try Outreach not suggesting a hold on Drafting and input collection....  was what was trying to be typed @Alan

  Alan Greenberg:We have TWO WP meetings on Sat/Sun??

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):can we see the time line

  Heidi Ullrich:@Alan, we have an ALAC meeting with ITEMs and then a public meeting set up by MSSI.

  Heidi Ullrich:The WP meeting is later in the week

  Alan Greenberg:Public meeting with MSSI on weekend?

  Heidi Ullrich:yes, on Sunday

  Heidi Ullrich:afternoon

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):if the last one is re Drafting for Pc response that is fine

  Alan Greenberg:ok, I am totally lost.

  Tom Maclenzie:Hello all - just joined the call

  Tom Maclenzie:invited by ITEMS

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):what use is a public meeting on the Sun before meeting starts!

  Tom Maclenzie:invited by Staff I mean

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):hi Tom

  vanda:there will be no public...

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):exactly Vanda

  Tom Maclenzie:Hi Cheryl, hi all

  vanda:hi Tom

  Heidi Ullrich:@All, staff is going to show the timeline in a moment

  Alan Greenberg:A public workshop should be on weekday, not weekend. People who are there on weekends are already fully boooked and many nonAC/SO people do not show up until Monday.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):of course GNSO will end on time...  and we will all rush from Council to our meeting but maybe GAC  and others will be available as well... let's see it is what it is

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):WG

  avri doria (observer):Larisa's group was great help in getting the review processed by the GNSO.  i recommend you go for it.

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):time for Tom

  vanda:could be have at this public session people from NexGeneration + Fellows too

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):be good if we can  Vanda

  Holly Raiche:@ Vanda +1

  vanda:we are try to convince thtem to join ICANN and debate an issue that touch them directly as end users is fundamental IMO

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):this was not planned as a meeting to interact with ITEMS Tom we heard from Lars you requested to join us for the end of our call

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Top of the hour has passed Ho

  Eduardo Diaz:In moving forward, I recommend that staff extarcts all the recommendations from the ITEMs docuemnt and creates a table in the WIKI for all to comment.. Also staff should talk to Holly off-line  to put together a timeline for taking the comments and creating the final ALAC statement. We can talk about the time line in the mailing list.

  Holly Raiche:@ Maureen - that is exactly why I will acc the recommendations/findings/elements of the SMM - so people are aware of what was said - but I hope we have solutions as well

  vanda:guess we are in agreemnt

  Eduardo Diaz:Thnak you.

  Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):bye for now

  vanda:thank you Holly.. all

  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:There is a way forward which is fine. Thanks all!

  Aída Noblia:Thank you /