ISOC Italy (Societa' Internet)
ISOC Italy (Societa' Internet) |
Vittorio Bertola | |
ISOC Italy (Societa' Internet) |
Internet Society - ISOC Italy is the national delegation (chapter) of the Internet Society, owned and sponsored by the Region of Tuscany, from the Network of Institutes of the National Research Council (CNR), the Group of Harmonization of National Scientific Research Network (GARR) by the Institute of Communications and Information Technology (ISCOM), Google, Microsoft, the Internet Service Provider (ISP), to interested users, from individual researchers and members of the legal and technical world: all share the objective to spread the Internet culture and to promote the development of technology that supports it.It 's a non-profit association open to all, formed by professionals and enthusiasts in the communication network, dedicated to the continuous development of the Internet and the realization of its vast potential. Internet company operates primarily in the Italian context, where it promotes the knowledge, use and development of technological, cultural and social web. Internet company has been recognized as the Italian section (Italy Chapter) of the Internet Society (ISOC) in June 1999. |