Visions underlying the activities of comunica-ch
A vision of the information society cannot stop at the field of information and communication technology. It must include "traditional" media (television, radio, printed press) and ensure a quality public service, as well as the access of less favored people - from Northern and Southern countries - to information and communication. For comunica-ch, within this understanding of the information society, there are some fundamental values, among which:
Information must be seen as a common good and must not be reduced to a commercial goods.
The information society must be lead by goals of peace, justice, fairness and sustainable development at social, economic and environmental levels.
The information society must reflect the variety of cultures, languages and ways of thinking in order to ensure the development of open, lively and tolerant societies.
The information society must rest on democratic bases and on an actual involvement of citizens.
Goals of comunica-ch
The goals of the Swiss Civil Society Coalition for the information society Comunica-ch are:
Pooling knowledge and know-how on issues at stake in the information society;
Coordinating the work of civil society in order to prepare common proposals, Particularly towards the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS);
Influencing the position of the Swiss delegation to WSIS;
Providing better knowledge to Swiss people about what is at stake in information society at large, and in the WSIS in particular.
- Vision of the information society defined by comunica-ch (Word, 41 kb) - In September 2003, comunica-ch defined the fundamental principles underlying its vision of the Information Society. The text was written as a parralel Declaration of the Swiss civil society to the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).