Zoom Chat: 2019-05-14 ATLAS III Webinar: GAC

Zoom Chat: 2019-05-14 ATLAS III Webinar: GAC

13:20:17.           From Claudia: Welcome to the ATLAS III Webinar : Governmental Advisory Committee  (GAC)

13:24:40          From Javier chandía - internauta Chile : hello desde Chile

13:47:05          From Vanda Scartezini : hi everyone I

13:47:31          From Maritza Aguero : HI Vandaaaa

13:51:46          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : Bonsoir /Bonjour/Buenos dias

13:52:06          From Eli Acevedo - Internauta Colombia : Buenas tardes, saludos desde Colombia!

13:52:21          From Vanda Scartezini : hi maritza, te extraño

13:52:27          From Vanda Scartezini : como estas?

13:52:29          From Abdalmonem Galila : it will be in English or what ?

13:52:51          From Maritza Aguero : Vandaaaaaa :) Muy bien! Espero que tu tambien!!!

13:52:55          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : Waiting a call

13:52:57          From Oksana Prykhodko : hello everyone

13:53:11          From Maritza Aguero : Indeed @Abdalmonen!

13:53:47          From David Mackey : Hello from Stratford, ON, Canada!!

13:54:19          From Cristian Casas : buenas tardes a todos

13:54:20          From Vanda Scartezini : hi David hugs from Sao Paulo, Brazil

13:54:37          From Diego Acosta Bastidas Cultura libre y software libre del Ecuador : Regards from Ecuador

13:55:09          From Diego Acosta Bastidas Cultura libre y software libre del Ecuador : Regards from Ecuador, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Cultura libre y software libre del Ecuador.

13:55:34          From Cherie Lagakali : Hi from Fiji

13:55:35          From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : buenas tardes/noches.

13:56:40          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : Hi Cherie from DR Congo

13:57:10          From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Hi all

13:57:20          From gunela : Hi everyone

13:57:38          From Abdalmonem Galila : excellent

13:58:10          From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All!

13:58:16          From Oksana Prykhodko : Hello everyone

13:58:23          From Vanda Scartezini : Hi Cheryl , nice to see you once more…

13:58:32          From Oksana Prykhodko : How to mute my mic?

13:58:47          From Joanna Kulesza : Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to join us.

13:59:04          From Vanda Scartezini : oksana to the left in the line where you have enter in the chat

13:59:20          From silvia.vivanco : Hello all

13:59:34          From Vanda Scartezini : Oksana, found it?

13:59:36          From Aris Ignacio : Hello everyone!

14:00:03          From Oksana Prykhodko : @Vanda - Thank you!

14:00:46          From Vanda Scartezini : welcome Oksana

14:01:57          From Oksana Prykhodko : Thank you, Joanna!

14:03:02          From Judith Hellerstein : Hi All

14:03:13          From lutz : thank you for your presentation.

14:03:16          From Vanda Scartezini : hi Judith

14:11:07          From Oksana Prykhodko : Which documents are required to become member of GAC?

14:11:15          From Judith Hellerstein : HI vanda

14:12:01          From Vanda Scartezini : Oksana your government shall indicate you to seat there and as such you represent your country

14:12:09          From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all!

14:12:24          From Vanda Scartezini : it is up to you and your government

14:12:29          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : I think that a letter to send to Chair of GAC to express the willing to join the gac

14:12:44          From Galaxy J2 Prime : Hi all!...

14:12:47          From Vanda Scartezini : I have been member for 5 years from 2000 till 2004

14:12:59          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : My experience with CHAD  in 2016

14:13:31          From Alejandro Pisanty : Oksana is is an executive decision of the national government, with full powers like any diplomat to have full effectiveness representing the country.

14:13:49          From Sivasubramanian M : <question> Even if the GAC in ICANN is designed to fu

nction in the Multi-stakeholder framework, where the role of Government and style of working differs remarkably from that of Governments in Multilateral forums, aren't Governments Governments? How far do Governments acknowledge the Multistakeholder process and to what extent do Governments allow their GAC representatives the required freedom to adopt their representations to the Multi-stakeholder process?

14:14:00          From Oksana Prykhodko : @Vanda - I am not representing Ukraine in GAC, I am member of EURALO. I would like to know about Ukraine joining GAC

14:15:19          From Vanda Scartezini : anytime your country can send its representative to ICANN that shall present him(her)self to the chair of the GAC.

14:15:37          From Oksana Prykhodko : @Alejandro - so, ANY diplomat can decide to become member of GAC?

14:16:00          From Sivasubramanian M : Inform and explain is not good enough.  What happens when the explanation is unacceptable?

14:17:22          From Michel TCHONANG : What is the decision-making process within the GAC? Democracy, consensus or other things?

14:18:02          From Lutz Donnerhacke : @Michel: No objection

14:18:04          From Vanda Scartezini : it is under him9her0self and the government they belong. since it is public the federal government of any country shall agree with the person that will be there representing the country itself - can be diplomat, some high lever member of any ministry… it is becoming more and more strategic to participate at the GAC

14:19:57          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : Most of Countries is ICT Department  some time Foreign Min

14:20:11          From Lutz Donnerhacke : No objection mean, that announcing "time of coffee break?" with no formal hand raising is fully qualified

14:20:22          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : <QUESTION>Lors des réunions du GAC, l'ICANN évoque t-elle la question sur la coupure Internet dans certains Etats ? </QUESTION>

14:21:15          From Michel TCHONANG : What credibility for the GAC if its proposals are not always taken into account by the board as desired?

14:21:17          From Heidi Ullrich : Translation of Gabriel’s question: <QUESTION> At GAC meetings, does ICANN mention the issue of Internet blackout in some states? </ QUESTION>

14:21:47          From Vanda Scartezini : Michel Yrjo is just talking about it

14:21:59          From Judith Hellerstein : I think if you want to be a member of the GAC you reach out to the ICANN staff person and they will work with you and help you with the process

14:22:43          From Michel TCHONANG : ok Vanda thank

14:22:58          From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : n miembro de at large, que no representa a ningun gobierno, puede participar en el GAC como observedor?

14:23:57          From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : si la respuesta es si, cuales son los requisitos?

14:25:18          From Michel TCHONANG : Je confirme et encourage ce modèle de fonctionnement ouvert du GAG

14:25:38          From Oksana Prykhodko : What are the tools of influence on country's representative in GAC to raise or to support or contradict some issues from At-Large community?

14:25:51          From Vanda Scartezini : it is Yrjo, remarcable opens nowadays. back in the past it was all closed doors

14:26:28          From Heidi Ullrich : Translation of Antonio’s question:

A member of at large, who does not represent any government, can participate in the GAC as an observer? If the answer is yes, what are the requirements?

14:27:22          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : <QUESTION>pourquoi écrire dans un texte total en anglais, le GAC a préféré Communiqué en français ?</QUESTION>

14:27:35          From Vanda Scartezini : antonio. will let Yrjo to give you the response

14:28:38          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : How to join GAC https://gac.icann.org/join/

list of GAC's members and observers https://gac.icann.org/about/members

14:30:43          From Oksana Prykhodko : GEO Names WG - in all IDN scripts?

14:31:05          From Heidi Ullrich : Translation of Gabriel’s question:

<QUESTION> Why write in a total text in English, the GAC preferred Communiqué in French? </ QUESTION>

14:32:38          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : Where can we have the link of those WG of GAC ?

14:34:27          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : <Question>Le groupe de travail sur les droits de l'homme  ne devra t-il pas considérer que les coupures de l'Internet observées de plus en plus au monde est UNE VIOLATION DES DROITS DE L'HOMME ?</Question>

14:35:22          From Vanda Scartezini : back we had the italy guy seating there at NOMCOM but I believe it is quite hard since that person WILL VOTE in name of all countrie?? dificil

14:35:30          From Heidi Ullrich : @Abdeldjalil, the GAC Working Groups are at: https://gac.icann.org/working-group/

14:37:00          From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Bachar

14:37:25          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : <QUESTION> if GAC will obtain vote seat (right now they are no voting) in board so how will be the multistakeholder model of ICANN?   </ QUESTION>

14:37:39          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : thanks @Heidi

14:37:43          From Heidi Ullrich : Translation of Gabriel’s question:

<Question> Should the working group on human rights not consider that the Internet cuts seen more and more in the world is a VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS? </ Question>

14:37:54          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : welcome bro Michel

14:38:56          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : Merci Heidi

14:40:37          From Michel TCHONANG : ok good

14:42:21          From Michel TCHONANG : Thank for all

14:44:55          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : <QUESTION>Why GAC  have his own independent secretariat vs other AC/SO? </ QUESTION>

14:44:59          From Vanda Scartezini : we also have large consultation to find a final proposal, like in dot AMAZON for instance

14:46:23          From Judith Hellerstein : Internet Shuts down

14:46:40          From Vanda Scartezini : in my time I was also very independent, few people understood Internet issues at the time. nowadays  it is a diplomat, ambassador who represents the country

14:46:50          From Judith Hellerstein : is the correct translation

14:46:53          From Alejandro Pisanty : Regarding the question whether the GAC would take a seat at the Board. I was Chair of the Evolution and Reform Committee of 2003 that gave rise to this kind of question. In negotiations with the GAC the GAC's own conclusion was AGAINST taking this seat, as the governments would become legally liable in decisions that were impugned in lawsuits (which happens often); that was one important reason. This also explains why the GAC has been granted an asymmetric role in ICANN decision-making: to compensate from its absence from the Board vote.

14:47:46          From Alejandro Pisanty : And of course, as stated during the webinar, it is very difficult for governments to consider themselves represented by a single one; we even found that with a draft proposal that was not adopted, of having five seats, one per region.

14:48:27          From Judith Hellerstein : I think he is asking whether he can participate and be on the email lists

14:48:49          From Vanda Scartezini : remember this Alejandro I was in the GAC at this time…

14:49:03          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : Thanks @Pisanty for that clarification .

14:49:54          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Gabriel: en fait, le mandat de l'ICANN est assez réduit. les coupures de l'Internet observées de plus en plus au monde

ne sont en fait pas gérés par l'ICANN ou dans ses processus. Ce sujet est plutôt du ressort des Nations Unies.

14:50:05          From bikram.shrestha : Thank lu

14:50:28          From Otunte Otueneh : thanks for the presentation

14:50:34          From Oksana Prykhodko : Very sensitive issue for country - geographical names

14:51:08          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Gabriel: ICANN se focalise sur les noms de domaines racines et les autre identifiants, mais pas des connexions Internet.

14:51:21          From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ;

14:51:43          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : @Olivier, à quoi sert le groupe de travail en droits de l'homme

14:52:09          From Vanda Scartezini : thank you Heidi.

14:53:29          From Vanda Scartezini : it is impossible for one country to represent other and vote will make it clearly , so impossible for any country to bear with this

14:56:00          From Maureen Hilyard : Leaving to attend another ICANN call. Interesting questions.

14:56:42          From Alejandro Pisanty : Acosta, that is not a GAC question.

14:57:20          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Gabriel: le GAC a un groupe de ravail en droit de l'homme car pour la seconde partie du processus "ICANN Accountability", une partie des recommandations touchait aux droits de l'homme - par exemple que les processus de l'ICANN devaient reconnaitre les droits de l'homme etc. Mais toujours dans une optique de processus dans les noms de domaine.

14:57:22          From Vanda Scartezini : each country can decide its the country code will be run for the government itself or delegated to a third part

14:58:12          From Vanda Scartezini : I do not know what is the reality in Ecuador  but can be any solution agreed be the government, ICANN and third part

14:58:17          From Michel TCHONANG : Thank you very much for the brilliant intervention and the clarity of the answers

14:58:48          From Marcelo  Telez : How  the  GAC solve  disputes  about ccTLD like .gs  and .fk ? Thank's...

15:01:34          From Vanda Scartezini : this is done directly by ICANN and a triangular meeting will take place -  if  the government  want to change the ccTLD ICANN needs to check capacity security etc of the new one  and then exchange of document and then IANA will enter. long process

15:02:06          From Oksana Prykhodko : national consultations on the most important issues

15:02:10          From bikram.shrestha : Audio issues ?

15:02:25          From Michel TCHONANG : Can a non-independent country join the GAG?

15:03:16          From Oksana Prykhodko : Absolutely< Olivier, thank you very much!

15:03:25          From Joanna Kulesza : What about "national consultations on the most important issues" @Oksana? Are those being held? Should they be held?

15:04:30          From Vanda Scartezini : Joanna, it is up to each country to deal with

15:05:10          From gunela : Is there any liaison between HRIL and GNSO’s CCWP ICANN & Human Rights - bearing in mind that the focus may be different but complementary?

15:07:32          From Oksana Prykhodko : Are there any requirements for such consultations? Is it possible to  someone to represent himself as country's representative in GAC without any legislative procedure ( for example, in Ukraine ICANN is considered just as non-governmental organization without any responsibilities of Ukraine  as its member)

15:07:52          From gunela : I realise that CCWP is Cross-Community but still wondering?

15:08:51          From Vanda Scartezini : yes cross community working party  or CCWG working group

15:08:54          From Michel TCHONANG : I have other calls within minutes, I have to leave and thank you very much for everything.

15:09:27          From Michel TCHONANG : bye all!

15:09:46          From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you fro joining us Michel! And for your questions!

15:09:46          From Vanda Scartezini : it is up to the country

15:10:08          From Vanda Scartezini : it is up to the country

15:10:11          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : gac is not only GOV but they have international org (UNESCO,OIF,) as member ? so what are they impact and contribution inside GAC

15:10:17          From Oksana Prykhodko : I can't find any documents of Ukraine's joining GAC. Could you please help me?

15:11:24          From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @gunela: yes --- I believe that individual GAC members are taking part in the CCWP ICANN & Human Rights

15:11:57          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : How GAC representative consulte their respective GOV during Hot issue ?

15:11:59          From gunela : Thank you

15:12:20          From Joanna Kulesza : https://gac.icann.org/about/members# @Oksana

15:12:26          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : or they decide on their respective capacity

15:13:00          From Vanda Scartezini : internal decision of each country

15:13:45          From Eli Acevedo - Internauta Colombia : My apologies, got another meeting. Thank you Mr. Yrjo.

15:13:45          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : gac is not only GOV but they have international org (UNESCO,OIF,WIPO...) as member ? so what are they impact and contribution inside GAC

15:13:49          From Eli Acevedo - Internauta Colombia : bye all

15:14:33          From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you for joining us Eli!

15:14:56          From Oksana Prykhodko : @Joanna Thank you very much. I know all of them in person. They inherited their position. I do not know who was first Ukraine representative in GAC

15:16:20          From Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) : but PDPs do welcome all GAC Members to join in any capacity that works for them and we do have more and more joining different activities in WGs

15:18:26          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : Wonderful presentation

15:18:29          From David Mackey : Thank you for the presentation Yrjo!

15:18:30          From Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) : Thanks Yrio excellent session :-)  and Yes @Joanna excellent questions from the participants

15:18:39          From Gabriel BOMBAMBO : Merci Joanna et Yrjo

15:18:42          From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong2 : thanks a lot of

15:18:43          From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all !

15:18:44          From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you all for joining!

15:18:46          From Gilberto Lara : Gracias - thank you

15:18:54          From Oksana Prykhodko : Thank you very much, bye!

15:18:55          From bikram.shrestha : Thank you all and wonderful presentation

15:18:56          From Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) : Bye for now...

15:18:57          From gunela : Thank you, Yrjö.

15:19:11          From bikram.shrestha : Bye for now

15:19:14          From Otunte Otueneh : thank you all and bye

15:19:19          From Marcelo  Telez : Thank you All !

15:19:21          From Adam Ahmat Doungous : merci bye

15:19:40          From Javier chandía - internauta Chile : gracias

15:20:06          From Anne-Marie Joly Bachollet : Thank you and bye

15:20:23          From gunela : Bye everyone

15:21:09          From Javier chandía - internauta Chile : bye

15:21:19          From Adrian Schmidt : bye! and thanks!