2011-06-24 - June 2012 ICANN Meeting in Europe

2011-06-24 - June 2012 ICANN Meeting in Europe

  • Category:  Administration and Budget
  • Topic:  2012 ICANN Meeting in Europe
  • Board meeting date: 24 June 2011
  • Resolution number: 2011.06.24.15
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-24jun11-en.htm#1.12
  • Status:  Completed


Board approves Prague, Czech Republic as location for the ICANN 2012 Europe Meeting.


Whereas, ICANN intends to hold its second Meeting for 2012 in the Europe region as per its policy.

Whereas, CZ.NIC, Czech Republic submitted a viable proposal to serve as host for the ICANN 2012 Europe Meeting.

Whereas, staff has completed a thorough review of the CZ.NIC, Czech Republic proposal and finds it acceptable.

Whereas, the Board Finance Committee will review and is expected to approve the budget for the ICANN 2012 Europe Meeting as proposed in this paper on 14 June 2011.

Resolved (2011.06.24.15), the Board accepts the proposal of CZ.NIC, Czech Republic and approves that the ICANN 2012 Europe Meeting shall be held in Prague, Czech Republic from 24-29 June 2012, with a budget not to exceed US$2.268M.

Implementation Actions

  •   None.


As part of ICANN's public meeting schedule, three times a year ICANN hosts a meeting in a different geographic region (as defined in the ICANN Bylaws) of the world. Meeting Number 44, scheduled for 24-29 June 2012, is to occur in the Europe geographic region. A call for recommendations for the location of the meeting in Europe was posted on 25 April 2011. A number of proposals were received, including from CZ.NIC, Czech Republic – Prague.

The Board reviewed Staff's recommendation for hosting the meeting in Prague, Czech Republic and the determination that the proposal met the significant factors of the Meeting Selection Criteria used to guide site selection work. Outside of the call for recommendations, the process for selection of sites does not call for public consultation, as the staff assessment of the feasibility of any site is the primary consideration.

There will be a financial impact on ICANN in hosting the meeting and providing travel support as necessary, as well as on the community in incurring costs to travel to the meeting. There is no impact on the security or the stability of the DNS due to the hosting of the meeting.

The Board thanks all who recommended sites for ICANN Meeting Number 44.

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