2011-06-24 - Approval of ccNSO Review Implementation Plan

2011-06-24 - Approval of ccNSO Review Implementation Plan

  • Category:  ICANN Structures
  • Topic:  ccNSO Improvement Implementation Plan
  • Board meeting date: 24 June 2011
  • Resolution number: 2011.06.24.03
  • URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-24jun11-en.htm#1.3
  • Status:  Ongoing


Board receives from SIC an implementation plan titled "ccNSO Improvements Implementation Plan" and directs CEO to instruct staff to follow implementation plan.


Whereas, on 21 April 2011, the Board resolved to direct ICANN Staff, in coordination with the Structural Improvements Committee, to develop a proposed implementation plan and timeline for the recommendations in the Final Report of the ccNSO Review Board Working Group and to submit these to the Structural Improvements Committee for review and Board approval. (Resolution 2011.04.21.06).

Whereas, at its 18 June 2011 meeting, the SIC acknowledged receipt from staff of an implementation plan, titled "ccNSO Improvements Implementation Project Plan", dated 9 June 2011, and resolved to recommend it to the ICANN Board for approval.

Resolved (2011.06.24.03), the Board requests ICANN's CEO to direct Staff to proceed with implementation in accordance with the implementation plan document "ccNSO Improvements Implementation Project Plan" dated 9 June 2011 <http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/ccnso/ccnso-improvements-implementation-project-plan-09jun11-en.pdf> [PDF, 253 KB].

Implementation Actions

  • Direct staff to implement plan in accordance with "ccNSO Improvements Implementation Project Plan."
    •  Responsible entity: CEO
    •  Due date: None provided
    •  Completion date: Ongoing


This action is in direct response to a request from the Board and serves to enable the implementation of the ccNSO review outcomes in a timely manner, thereby realizing the foreseen and agreed process improvements. There is no reason to delay this action as it, per se, does not involve any complex structural changes and would have no budgetary consequences. There will be no impact on the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name system as a result of this action.

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