2011-03-18 - Thanks to Departing ccNSO Council Volunteers
- Category: Administration/Budget
- Topic: Thanks to Volunteers
- Board meeting date: 18 March 2011
- Resolution number: 2011.03.18.12
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-18mar11-en.htm#1.9
- Status: Completed
Thanks to departing volunteers
Whereas, ICANN wishes to acknowledge the considerable energy and skills that members of the stakeholder community bring to the ICANN process.
Whereas, in recognition of these contributions, ICANN wishes to acknowledge and thank members of the community when their terms of service on Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees end.
Whereas, four ccNSO Councilors are leaving their positions at the end of the Silicon Valley San Francisco meeting:
- Ondrej Filip (March 2005 – March 2011)
- Mohamed El Bashir (March 2005 – March 2011)
- Patrick Hosein (March 2008 – March 2011)
- Chris Disspain (June 2004 – March 2011)
Resolved (2011.03.18.12), Ondrej Filip, Mohamed El Bashir, Patrick Hosein and Chris Disspain have earned the deep appreciation of the Board for their terms of service, and the Board wishes them well in their future endeavors.
Whereas, Chris Disspain was selected as the first chair of the ccNSO in December 2004.
Whereas, Chris has been elected to a seat on the ICANN Board of Directors with a term beginning in June 2011.
Whereas, Chris will be stepping down at the end of the Silicon Valley San Francisco meeting as Chair of the ccNSO Council to assume the ICANN Board seat.
Resolved (2011.03.18.12), Chris Disspain has earned the deep appreciation of the Board for his service as the first chair of the ccNSO.
Implementation Actions
- None
Other Related Resolutions
- None
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.
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