2004-10-18 - Redelegation of .LY (Libya)

2004-10-18 - Redelegation of .LY (Libya)


The Board approved the redelegation of .LY to Mr. Marwan Magure and authorized the President isto negotiate an agreement with Mr. Marwan Magure and GPTC.


RESOLVED [04.88] that the redelegation of .LY to Mr. Marwan Magure is approved.
RESOLVED [04.89] that, upon signature of the agreement, the President is authorized to take appropriate steps to negotiate and agreement with Mr. Marwan Magure and GPTC.

Implementation Actions

  • Proceed with redelegation process pursuant to IANA Functions processes.
    • Responsible entity:  IANA Functions Department
    • Due date: Per IANA Functions processes
    • Implementation date:  Completed per IANA Functions processes
  • Negotiate Agreement
    • Responsible entity: ICANN President supported by the Legal Department
    • Due date: None specified
    • Completion date: 27 February 2007 

Other Related Resolutions

  • Board Resolution 04.48, adopted on 29 June 2004, whereby the Board approved the provisional redelegation of the .LY domain to GPTC and Mr. Maghur.
  • Other Resolutions TBD.

Additional Information

 Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page  for more information.

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