2004-04-19 - ccNSO Bylaws Clarifications

2004-04-19 - ccNSO Bylaws Clarifications

Board adopts amendments to Article IX, Section 4(2)(b), Section 10, and Section 11 of the Bylaws.

Whereas, On 26 June 2003, under Resolution 03.106 the ICANN Board at its public meeting in Montrial, Canada, discussed and resolved to amend the ICANN bylaws to include the ccNSO bylaws with full consensus and support from the ICANN community, in particular the ccTLDs.

Whereas, the ccNSO Launching Group provided to staff additional language changes of the ccNSO Bylaws for clarification purposes.

Whereas, these clarifications provide further clarity to the intent of specific provisions.

Whereas, the ICANN Board at its meeting in Rome, adopted a resolution recognizing the formation of the ccNSO, in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws Article XX, Transition Article (04.25).

Whereas, the Board also adopted resolution 04.26, requesting that staff post the proposed clarifications to the ccNSO Bylaws on the ICANN Website for public comment.

Whereas, under ICANN Board resolution 04.27 the Board agreed to consider the proposed ccNSO Bylaws during the next Board Meeting (19 April 2004).

Whereas, the on 11 March 2004 the ICANN staff posted for public comment the proposed corrections to the ccNSO Bylaws.

Whereas, these clarifications provide no substantive change to the bylaws, the Board concludes that adoption of the clarifications to the bylaws as stated in the proposal would be in the best interest of ICANN.

Resolved [04.32] that the amendments to Article IX, Section 4(2)(b), Section 10, and Section 11 of the Bylaws are hereby adopted as proposed.

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