2004-03-06 - Thanks to Elisabeth Porteneuve
- Category: Administration and Budget
- Topic: Thanks for service
- Board meeting date: 6 March 2004
- Resolution number: 04.30
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/rome-resolutions-06mar04.htm
- Status: Completed
Board thanks Elisabeth Porteneuve for service to ICANN.
A Resolution in appreciation and thanks to Elisabeth Porteneuve.
Elisabeth has been a member of several distinguished organizations related to Internet activities including being the founding member and Vice President of the French Chapter of the Internet Society at its origin in 1996.
She also served as Counsel to General Director of AFNIC, (Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération) France, and Network Department Manager at CNRS (CETP laboratory).
Elisabeth participated as a country code representative in the International Forum on the White Paper, in 1998; the process that led to the creation of ICANN.
Elisabeth hosted the "Paris Draft" group working on the DNSO proposal at the end of January 1999, attended the founding meeting of ccTLD constituency of the DNSO in 1999, and contributed to its organization as one of the 7 founding constituencies of the DNSO.
Elisabeth has dedicated thousands of hours serving as the first ICANN/DNSO Secretariat between 1999 and 2001. She is the author of a concept and design of the electronic vote by email that was used by the DNSO/GNSO Council and some constituencies. She managed the first election process for the DNSO which included the election of 3 board members.
After the country code managers initiated an effort to form their own Supporting Organization, Elisabeth lent both her energy and leadership to the formation of the ccNSO and also continued to support the new GNSO as a liaison.
Elisabeth has participated in an ad hoc group consisting of ccTLD members and also on the ICANN Security and Stability committee regarding updates to the ccTLD name servers in the IANA database.
Elisabeth served as a member of the ICANN Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Committee since November 2001.
Elisabeth was elected a member of the Board of Directors of CENTR (Council of European National Top level domain Registries) at its inception in 1999 and also served on different committees and working groups, including serving as the chairperson of the CENTR IANA Working Group.
Elisabeth has traveled more than 320,000 kilometers or 8 times around the world, in the course of her work for ICANN.
We note with gratitude and affection the deep commitment and inevitable helpfulness with which Elisabeth greeted all members of our community. We will miss her ebullient personality and the enthusiasm that she brings to all that she does.
Therefore it is resolved [04.30] that:
The ICANN Board formally recognizes Elisabeth's service and outstanding contributions to the ccTLDs, ICANN, and the wider Internet community and that the Board expresses its good wishes to Ms Porteneuve for continued success in her future role and the hope that she will continue to make herself available for consultation in ICANN matters in the future.
Implementation Actions
- None
- Responsible entity: None
- Due date: None
- Completion date: None
Other Related Resolutions
Additional Information
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.