At Large - FY17 Additional Budget Requests
FY17-17-ALAC-Strategic Working Session for ALAC and RALO Leaders at ICANN Public Meetings 57 and 58
FY17-18-RALO-Real-time Captioning of Adobe Connect Meetings In English, Spanish, and French
FY17-19-ALAC-Fixing the bugs in ICANN’s machine translation tool used for the LACRALO mailing lists
FY17-45-ALAC -Access by RALOs for funding of local engagement activities
FY17-46-At-Large/RALOs-RALO Leader Development Session at ICANN 57 Second Pilot Activity
FY17-48-AFRALO-AFRALO Workshop at the 2016 IGF on “ Privacy and users’ data management”
FY17-49-ISOC TCHAD (African ALS)-1er Forum sur le DNS au Tchad
FY17-53-LACRALO -LACRALO General Assembly
FY17-54-NARALO-NARALO General Assembly
FY17-55-NARALO/ALAC-Tribal Ambassadors Pilot Project
FY17-59-ALAC-ALAC Development Session at ICANN 57 Second Pilot Activity