Gabriel Pinieiro SOI (Old)
Gabriel Pinieiro
. The participant's current vocation, employer and position
Im currently a law student in the University of Santiago, under a scholarship. Also, I'm a freelance webmaster, specialized in the mobile web field. Currently, within the ICANN world, I'm the Representative of Alfa-REDI at the NCUC (and also, I have several other participations in other NGO's, but AFAIK, with no relation with any of the ICANN activities)
. The type of work performed in the bullet above
Im the "Specialist in ICT" of Alfa-REDI, and I mantain several projects, technicly speaking (such as the LatinoamerICANN project)
. Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in registries, registrars or other entities that are stakeholders or interested parties in ICANN or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or other arrangement
I currently have no financial ownership or any other kind of intrests in registries, registrars or other entities that are stakeholders or intrested parties in ICANN or any entity which has a transaction, contract or other arrangement.
. Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy development outcomes. Is the participant representing other parties?
Im currently participating in the NCUC, so I do not represent any kind of commercial intrest at all.
. Describe any arrangements or agreements between the participant and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding the participant's service as a participant in any ICANN policy making process.
In the past, I do participate in the ALAC and in the initial steps of the ALAC. But mostly, my participation in ICANN was within the DNSO/GNSO and just in the NCDNHC/NCUC (and if you consider it, also in the old General Assembly and perhaps other task forces, but always within the context of the NCUC)
.Participants must update their Statements of Interest whenever their circumstances change.
So far, there's no need to update this situation.
- Policy Process Steering Committee Policy Development Process Work Team (PDP-WT)
- Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC)