Old SOIs (Not Converted)

Old SOIs (Not Converted)

This page represents a compilation of SOIs copied and pasted from other website and Wiki sources (2011 or earlier) and are not in the GNSO approved format (see New SOIs). 

 Click this line to see a list of original SOI sources. 

IMPORTANT:  If you did not log into this GNSO Wiki site with a previously issued ID and Password, you will not be able to create new pages, edit existing ones, or add comments.  For more information, please visit: GNSO Statements of Interest (SOI).

If you find one of your Old SOIs in this list, you may open it in another window/tab and, then, use the copy/paste function to enter any data you wish to keep (or edit) into the New SOI approved format.

SOIs in previous formats exist for the following individuals: