Maryam Bakoshi
NCSG Executive Committee 2015-2016
Role | Full Voting Member | Observing Member |
NCSG Chair | Tapani Tarvainen |
NPOC Appointee | Rudi Vansnick |
NPOC Appointee | Klaus Stoll | |
NCUC Appointee | Robin Gross | |
NCUC Appointee | Monika Zalnieriute |
CC Appointee |
| Dorothy Gordon |
Term of Office: Annual Meeting October 2015 --> Annual Meeting October 2016
Archive of EC-NCSG Email Discussion List (see also: previous archive)
NCSG Policy Committee Members 2015-2016
Role | Full Voting Member | Observing Member |
NCSG Chair (ex-officio) | Tapani Tarvainen |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | Amr Elsadr | |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | Stefania Milan |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | David Cake (Vice Chair) |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | Ed Morris | |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | Marilia Maciel (Chair) | |
NCSG GNSO Councilor | Stephanie Perrin | |
ex GNSO Councilor | Avri Doria | |
ex GNSO Councilor |
| Maria Farrell |
ex GNSO Councilor |
| Magaly Pazello |
ex NCSG Chair | Rafik Dammak | |
ex NCUC Appointee | Joy Liddicoat | |
NCUC Appointee | Matthew Shears (Vice Chair) | |
NCUC Appointee | Tatiana Tropina | |
NPOC Appointee | Klaus Stoll |
NPOC Appointee | Sam Lanfranco |
CC Appointee |
| Dorothy Gordon |
Term of Office: Annual Meeting October 2015 --> October 2016 Annual Meeting
NCSG Policy Committee Email Archive (see also: previous archive)
NCSG Financial Committee 2015-2016
Role | Full Voting Member | Observing Member |
NCSG Chair | Tapani Tarvainen |
NPOC Appointee | Sam Lanfranco |
NCUC Appointee | James Gannon |
CC Appointee |
| Dorothy Gordon |
Term of Office: Annual Meeting November 2015 --> Annual Meeting November 2016