Charter Background

Charter Background

Board Resolution-30 July 2009

1.6. Approval of Permanent Charter for GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group

 Whereas, on July 30, 2009 the Board approved a transitional Charter for the GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG).

 Whereas, the Board directed the NCSG to subsequently develop a permanent Charter document by the 2011 ICANN Annual General Meeting.

 Whereas, NCSG leaders and members of the Board's Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) have collaborated on developing a Charter document that meets the strategic goals of the Board and provide a foundation for future governance and growth of the non commercial community in the GNSO; and that document has been presented to the ICANN community for review and comment.

 Resolved (2011.06.24.07), the Board approves the permanent Charter of the GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group. NCSG leadership is directed to publicly post the Charters and to work with ICANN Staff to maintain a process for publicly posting any subsequent amended versions of the document. To assure continued adherence to the ICANN Bylaws principles, the Board will re-examine the NCSG Charter, structure and operations consistent with the timetable for the next independent review of the GNSO.

 Resolved (2011.06.24.08), all existing Constituencies within the NCSG (the Noncommercial Users Constituency and the NPOC) shall immediately demonstrate to the NCSG that they meet all membership requirements as imposed at Section 2.0 of the newly-adopted NCSG Charter, including the requirement at Section 2.3 that all members of the constituency should already either be members of the NCSG or be qualified for membership under the Charter. If a Constituency cannot demonstrate membership requirements, the NCSG is directed to (i) immediately implement the Constituency Review process set forth at Section 2.3.3 of the NCSG Charter, and (ii) such constituency will not be entitled to constituency participation in NCSG activities, effective immediately, until the earlier of such compliance can be demonstrated or the review process is concluded and a decision is reached.

 Rationale for Resolutions 2011.06.24.07 – 2011.06.24.08:

The approval of this permanent charter documents satisfies the original Board direction in Resolution 2009.30.07.09 by establishing a permanent Charter for the GNSO's Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group. This action provides a degree of certainty and finality regarding the community debate over the relationship between Constituencies and Stakeholder Groups in the GNSO in that it affirms the ability of individual communities to establish and manage processes and procedures – consistent with existing ICANN Bylaws principles - that allows them to govern and expand their participation in GNSO policy development efforts in a manner best suited to their individual communities.  This action will also allow the NCSG to assure adherence to its revised membership rules from the outset.  There are no particular additional budget implications for approving the NCSG Charter. This action does not have any technical impact on the security, stability or resiliency of the DNS. 

Text of Board Approved NCSG Charter: http://gnso.icann.org/improvements/ncsg-charter-05may11-en.pdf

More background on NCSG Charter: