NCSG-Charter Process (Feb 2011)

NCSG-Charter Process (Feb 2011)


07 February 2011

Candidate for public comment and consideration with Staff edits visible (doc[ncsg:NCSG Charter-2011-02-07-SE-Edits+ad-clean.pdf

Candidate for public comment and consideration - Clean |doc][ncsg:NCSG Charter-2011-02-07-SE-Edits+ad-clean.doc |pdf]|^NCSG Charter-2011-02-07-SE-Edits+ad.doc]

03 February 2011

As we enter the final revisions of the charter, a copy of the charter containing many of the edits required by the Board's Structural Improvements Committee, was created and given to the ICANN Legal Counsel for them to do an edit pass that includes changes need to correspond to the ncsg:Board's proposed New Constituency Practice.

ncsg:Base version for Staff Edits - edits include removing process text and fixing bullet as well as rev'ing version number.

version extracted to word for ncsg_charter-110203


Board requires changes in the NCSG Charter. Negotiations continue. Updates will be posted and reported in Policy meetings as they are available.

The version of the charter currently under discussion: ncsg_charter_board_issue_resolution
Note: this version has not yet been approved by anyone

Possible ICANN Bylaws-Change Recommendation (Apr 2011)

The membership review of the charter was held from 22 April through 8 May 2010

The final version was Revision 31

The edits discussed can be found in: Edits to Charter Version under Review
Building Blocks:
Approved: Draft of Membership Criteria Section for Charter (rtf) (pdf)

Folded into main draft: Establishing an Interest-Group/Constituency within the NCSG pdf Folded into main draft: NCSG-EC Procedures pdf

Folded into main draft: NCSG Voting Procedures pdf.