Nomcom Appointees
Nomcom Appointees
Issues to consider on the subject of Nomcom appointees.
- the current practice it so allow as many Nomcom appointee to participate as wish to participate in the various committees. As they do not belong to any particular constituency, this has appeared a reasonable solution. However, on those occasions where membership in a committee or other working entity is restricted to just one constituency member, it may be reasonable to ask the Nomcom appointees to select one of their number to serve. In such a case, that serving nomcom appointee would have a responsibility of informing the other Nomcom appointee of the activities of the committee and for brining in any other viewpoints that the other Nomcom appointees would express. It would not, however, be incumbent on the chosen appointee to actually represent or vote as instructed by the remaining nomcom appointees.
Excellent idea Avri. Somewhere in the process as well as in the processes that are development for ongoing GNSO work we also need to consider how to spread the work around among NomCom reps. In cases, as with the planned work structure currently under consideration by this committee, if we have a NomCom rep on each time and possible on a standing committee as well, the workload for the three NomCom reps might become unreasonable.
contributed by cgomes on Apr 5 6:30am