GSNO Improvements
GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan 3rd draft for GNSO Council 11 Sep 08 (redline).doc
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GNSO Improvements Process Documentation
The following pages contain some initial documentation on methods that can be followed in beginning the work required to transition from the current GNSO organization to the type of organization envisioned by the Board Governance Committee Working Group on GNSO Improvements. Before these methods can be put into practice, the plan needs to be reviewed by the GNSO and the ICANN community at large and needs to be be approved by the GNSO council.
The material in this document, which is a subset of the information that can be found on the GNSO wiki at, describes the creation of two committees that would be responsible for making sure that the substantive work of implementing the recommendations is done. The wiki also contains other information which is offered as starting material for dicsussion by these committees, but which is not part of the material being reviewed or submitted for approval in this process.
The plan for the process is for this document to be discussed in the GNSO as well as distributed for an open comment period. After the comment period, the planning team will consider any changes required by the comments received and will submit an updated version to the GNSO council for deliberation and vote. Public comments will be solicited through the normal email process, and a link will be provided here ___ when the period is initiated.
The goal, assuming the plan is approved by the Council and endorsed by the Board, is to initiate the actual work of the committees described in this proposal at the end of the Paris meeting in June 2008.
This proposal contains the following elements:
- A proposed charter for two committees to make concrete implementation proposals for GNSO change according to the design defined in the Board recommendations: 1) A revised PDP process as well as guidelines for working groups - GNSO Process Standing Committee; and 2) a set of operational recommendations for the GNSO going forward - Operations Standing Committee .
A glossary of terms used in the text is also included.
Board Motion that initiated this work:Resolved (2008.02.15.03), the ICANN Board directs staff to open a public comment forum for 30 days on the GNSO Improvements Report, draft a detailed implementation plan in consultation with the GNSO, begin implementation of the non-contentious recommendations, and return to the Board and community for further consideration of the implementation plan.
Report of the Board Governance Committee GNSO Review Working Group On GNSO Improvements
Planning Team Members
The members of the planning team involved in preparing this information are:
- Avri Doria (Nomcom appointee, GNSO Council chair)
- Chuck Gomes (Registry constituency, GNSO Council vice-chair)
- Olga Cavalli (Nomcom Appointee)
- Philip Sheppard (Business Constituency)
- Robin Gross/Milton Mueller (Non Commercial Users Constituency)
- Ute Decker (Intellectual Property Constituency)
- Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (Internet Service Providers Constituency)
- Tim Ruiz/Jon Nevett (Registrar Constituency)
- Susan Crawford - liaison from the Board Governance Committee.
Policy Staff
- Denise Michel
- Liz Gasster
- Robert Hoggarth
GNSO Secretariat
- Glen De Saint Gery
Helpful Links:
Operations Steering Committee
[GNSO Council Restructuring Effort|
Agenda for 19 September GNSO Improvements Planning Team Meeting
15:00 UTC (08:00 PDT, 10:00 CDT, 11:00 EDT, Buenos Aires 12:00, 17:00 CEST)
- Welcome
- Roll call
- Agenda approval
- Review (as necessary) and approve edits of the latest version of the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan
- Determine action items with timeline for finalization of a final version of the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan for submission to the Council prior to 25 September
- Constituency progress reports on stakeholder group implementation of bicameral voting structure
- Other business?
- Next meeting
Highlights of GNSO Improvements Planning Team Meeting - 11 September 2008
16:00 UTC (09:00 PDT, 11:00 CDT, 12:00 EDT, Buenos Aires 13:00, 18:00 CEST)
Note:The meeting was recorded and an MP3 will be distributed.
The GNSO Improvements wiki:
GNSO Improvements – Top Level Plan edited by Chuck Gomes 9 September 2008:
See link under Announcements on the wiki
Team Members in Attendance
- Avri Doria (Nomcom appointee, GNSO Council chair)
- Chuck Gomes (Registry constituency, GNSO Council vice-chair)
- Olga Cavalli (Nomcom Appointee)
- Philip Sheppard (Business Constituency)
- Milton Mueller (Non Commercial Users Constituency)
- Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (Internet Service Providers Constituency)
- Jon Nevett (Registrar Constituency)
- Susan Crawford - Liaison from the Board Governance Committee
- Denise Michel (Staff)
- Robert Hoggarth (Staff)
- Glen De Saint Géry (Staff)
Meeting Highlights
- Decisions made regarding the GNSO Improvements ‘Top Level Plan’ # The name was changed from ‘Top Level Plan’ to ‘Implementation Plan’ # Minor edits proposed by Chuck in the plan were accepted. # Further discussion of the following elements of the plan was held and the following changes were suggested:
i.‘Standing Committees’ will be changed to ‘Steering Committees’ and should have a defined termination date after which they could be renewed.
ii.The initial tasks of the steering committees would be implementation of the Board GNSO Improvement Recommendations, excluding implementation of the bicameral voting structure, which will be handled separately as described below.
iii.Subsequent tasks of the steering committees will be considered if and when their charters are renewed.
iv.Timeline for finishing the plan:
1.At the next planning meeting or shortly thereafter finalize draft plan
2.ASAP before the 25 September Council meeting, send the plan to the Council for distribution to constituencies and advisory groups
3.Provide on overview of the plan in the 25 September Council meeting
4.Submit a motion for Council approval of the plan NLT than 9 October for Council action on 16 October.
- Action items regarding the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan # Chuck will accept the minor edits he made in the redlined version of the plan sent earlier in the week, highlighting new changes made as a result of input from this meeting and send a new version to Rob. # Rob will add additional wording changes agreed to during the meeting to Chuck’s revised version and distribute to the list. # All team members will review the new redlined version and submit comments, edits, etc. to the list in advance of our next meeting and be prepared to review edits and any additional changes needed.
- Decisions made regarding implementation of bicameral voting structure # There was agreement on the following:
i.Deciding how to seat representatives on the new Council should primarily be the responsibility of the new Stakeholder Groups.
ii.There is not really a need for full Council involvement in this task.
iii.It would be better to separate this task from the GNSO Improvements Implementation Plan except for ensuring consistency of the two efforts.
iv.The task of making this happen needs to start ASAP.
v.Members of this Planning Team will work with their constituencies and respective stakeholder groups to whatever possible to facilitate the start of the Stakeholder Group work on this task.
vi.Team members should be prepared to report on the status of stakeholder group work at our next meeting, primarily for staff/Board information.
- The tasks of Stakeholder Groups are to:
1.Develop proposals for seating representatives on the Council in January (If necessary, these proposals could be temporary proposals to allow more time for full proposal development.)
2.Submit proposals to the Board for approval at least one week prior to the Board meeting on 11 Dec 08 (i.e., NLT 4 Dec 08)
- Prior today’s meeting Rob distributed nine key principles that stakeholder groups need to apply in their proposals for seating representatives on the Council. # The principles should serve as a checklist for stakeholder groups in developing their proposals. # A brief discussion was held on the principles.
i.It was noted that individual users could be members of either the commercial stakeholders group or the non-commercial stakeholders group and both the NCUC and BC accept such members already.
ii.Stakeholder group placement of prospective registries and registrars was discussed.
1.The BC has accepted such members in the past.
2.The NCUC has received a membership application from a prospective registry.
- Action items for next meeting
i.Team members should do what they can to facilitate progress on stakeholder group development of proposals for seating representatives on the Council in January
ii.Team members should be prepared to report progress of stakeholder groups in the next planning meeting.
- Next meeting:TBD # Glen will send a doodle meeting request. # Timing possibilities:
i.Late next Thursday (6-8 pm CET)
Next Meeting will be held on: TBD
GNSO Improvements tpl Gomes edits 9 Sep 08 (2).doc
Reports and Notes
The reports to the board and minutes can be found at: