Scratch Page

Scratch Page

Scratch page

since most of us are new at this.

please feel free to (mess around deleted RH) (cut, paste, copy, edit, etc.(RH)) in this page.










I just did some sample edit work (trying to note it was me by using my initials (RH) and agree that showing changes may be problematic for the uninitiated - like me. Perhaps one of the more experienced wiki editors on the team can advise \rookies like me if there is some more efficient way to track changes. Rob Hoggarth (RH) 032808 1414UTC Further edit RH 032808 1816UTC

Just noticed on my screen that the added text I entered above turned blue once I saved it (RH) 032808 1416UTC

the reason it turned blue is that you created a new page (or a potential page) by putting it in square brackets.
i.e. new page creates a new page tht i will now add some text in.

that is why i am recommending that we use curly brackets {} instead of square brackets
i would prefer using personalized colors as u can in some systems, but i have not figured out how to use them in this one. actually for minor changes, like punctuation, typos and spelling, i don't know how much it matters. i only think it is important if it is a substantive change. we can alwasy go back to previous versions and find out who did what.