Meeting #24 Client Committee (22 July @ 14:00 UTC)

Meeting #24 Client Committee (22 July @ 14:00 UTC)


Attendees: Greg Shatan, Maarten Simon, Jonathan Robinson

Counsel:  Holly Gregory, Yael Resnick, Josh Hofheimer


Staff:  Yuko Green, Trang Nguyen, Grace Abuhamad, Nathalie Vergnolle


Notes & Action Items

Audio Only: Sharon Flanagan, Trang Nguyen

Prospective outcome/actions on IANA IPR:

    1. Highlight key questions for IETF Trust to be discussed on Tuesday (26 July)
    2. Highlight substantive issues to be resolved in IPR documents to date
    3. Discuss the process of dealing with the documents

Key Objectives for CWG (28 July):

    1. Update CWG on IANA IPR and any substantial issues or contentious items
    2. Inform CWG on Sidley's review of Naming Function and Intercompany Agreements
      • Separate agreements
      • Substantive issues
    1. Resolve outstanding issues on Articles and Bylaws
      • Inform CWG public comment submission


    • ACTION (Sidley): Prepare the summary of key issues (principle terms and material issues) prior to 26 July IANA IPR meeting
    • ACTION (ICANN): Forward the 26 July IANA IPR meeting invitation to ICANN Legal so they can join as an observer

2. Status of other legal work (CWG meeting 28 July)

    • Sidley will be able to provide updates on Naming Function and Intercompany Agreements

3. AOB

    • No new call to be scheduled for Monday 25 July



Documents Presented

Chat Transcript

----------- (07/22/2016 07:05) -----------

Maarten Simon: are we sure Greg and Lise are aware that we have this call half an hour earlier than originally planned

Maarten Simon: ok

----------- (07/22/2016 07:23) -----------

Yuko Green: Jonathan, Trang is having issues with AC room, but she is still on the call via a phoone

----------- (07/22/2016 07:30) -----------

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): I am on. Josh

----------- (07/22/2016 07:38) -----------

Yuko Green: I don't see ICANN legal on the invitation

----------- (07/22/2016 07:39) -----------

Yuko Green: Would you like me to extend the meeting to ICANN legal?

Jonathan Robinson: @Greg. Correct. That was the origianl impetus / objective. I thought Josh had thoise on the list but, if not, they should be.

----------- (07/22/2016 07:40) -----------

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Understood and agreed. 

 ----------- (07/22/2016 07:50) -----------

Greg Shatan: Sorry to beat dead horse.

Greg Shatan: Burgers, anyone?

----------- (07/22/2016 07:51) -----------

Holly Gregory (Sidley): Greetings all.  I have now joined by adobe as well

Jonathan Robinson: Hi Holly. Have you been with us since the outset?

Holly Gregory (Sidley): Yes - on phone

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Agreed, we can prepare a table/outline that sets forth our diligence questions for the Trust, and also highlights the key issues we have identified. for discussion.

----------- (07/22/2016 07:57) -----------

Jonathan Robinson: I would say, appropriately constrain the trust with respect tot eh IANA IPR

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): +1 Jonathan

Jonathan Robinson: We do not seek to constrain the trust per se but specifically with respect to its stewardhsip of the IPR

Jonathan Robinson: Thaks Josh

----------- (07/22/2016 08:01) -----------

Greg Shatan: Need to leave call.

----------- (07/22/2016 08:04) -----------

Holly Gregory (Sidley): good here

Maarten Simon: great, thanks

Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): thx all