Meeting #24 Client Committee (22 July @ 14:00 UTC)
Attendees: Greg Shatan, Maarten Simon, Jonathan Robinson
Counsel: Holly Gregory, Yael Resnick, Josh Hofheimer
Staff: Yuko Green, Trang Nguyen, Grace Abuhamad, Nathalie Vergnolle
Notes & Action Items
Audio Only: Sharon Flanagan, Trang Nguyen
Prospective outcome/actions on IANA IPR:
- Highlight key questions for IETF Trust to be discussed on Tuesday (26 July)
- Highlight substantive issues to be resolved in IPR documents to date
- Discuss the process of dealing with the documents
Key Objectives for CWG (28 July):
- Update CWG on IANA IPR and any substantial issues or contentious items
- Inform CWG on Sidley's review of Naming Function and Intercompany Agreements
- Separate agreements
- Substantive issues
- Resolve outstanding issues on Articles and Bylaws
- Inform CWG public comment submission
- ACTION (Sidley): Prepare the summary of key issues (principle terms and material issues) prior to 26 July IANA IPR meeting
- ACTION (ICANN): Forward the 26 July IANA IPR meeting invitation to ICANN Legal so they can join as an observer
2. Status of other legal work (CWG meeting 28 July)
- Sidley will be able to provide updates on Naming Function and Intercompany Agreements
3. AOB
- No new call to be scheduled for Monday 25 July
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The MP3 recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
----------- (07/22/2016 07:05) -----------
Maarten Simon: are we sure Greg and Lise are aware that we have this call half an hour earlier than originally planned
Maarten Simon: ok
----------- (07/22/2016 07:23) -----------
Yuko Green: Jonathan, Trang is having issues with AC room, but she is still on the call via a phoone
----------- (07/22/2016 07:30) -----------
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): I am on. Josh
----------- (07/22/2016 07:38) -----------
Yuko Green: I don't see ICANN legal on the invitation
----------- (07/22/2016 07:39) -----------
Yuko Green: Would you like me to extend the meeting to ICANN legal?
Jonathan Robinson: @Greg. Correct. That was the origianl impetus / objective. I thought Josh had thoise on the list but, if not, they should be.
----------- (07/22/2016 07:40) -----------
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Understood and agreed.
----------- (07/22/2016 07:50) -----------
Greg Shatan: Sorry to beat dead horse.
Greg Shatan: Burgers, anyone?
----------- (07/22/2016 07:51) -----------
Holly Gregory (Sidley): Greetings all. I have now joined by adobe as well
Jonathan Robinson: Hi Holly. Have you been with us since the outset?
Holly Gregory (Sidley): Yes - on phone
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): Agreed, we can prepare a table/outline that sets forth our diligence questions for the Trust, and also highlights the key issues we have identified. for discussion.
----------- (07/22/2016 07:57) -----------
Jonathan Robinson: I would say, appropriately constrain the trust with respect tot eh IANA IPR
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): +1 Jonathan
Jonathan Robinson: We do not seek to constrain the trust per se but specifically with respect to its stewardhsip of the IPR
Jonathan Robinson: Thaks Josh
----------- (07/22/2016 08:01) -----------
Greg Shatan: Need to leave call.
----------- (07/22/2016 08:04) -----------
Holly Gregory (Sidley): good here
Maarten Simon: great, thanks
Josh Hofheimer (Sidley): thx all