Meeting #23 Client Committee (15 July @ 14:30 UTC)
Attendees: Greg Shatan, Lise Fuhr, Maarten Simon, Sharon Flanagan
Apologies: Jonathan Robinson, Josh Hofheimer
Staff: Grace Abuhamad, Yuko Green, Trang Nguyen, Brenda Brewer
1. Discussion of “Proposed Principal Terms of IANA Intellectual Property Agreements” + other IPR docs
2. Update on work in progress (PTI Articles, Bylaws, Naming & Intercompany Agreements)
3. AOB
Notes & Action Items
- Sidley shortened the list of open items in the form of a chart. Greg will add a column with "CWG Comments" and attempt to provide solutions and or close off the items.
- Next item is to meet with the IETF Trust members (anticipated from 25 July). Grace to include Sidley Josh) in that Doodle poll.
- Josh is revising the IPR agreements
2. PTI documents
- Update from Trang Ngyuen
3. AOB
Review of actions from CWG call:
- Action (Chairs): CWG to submit Sidley's comments on the PTI Articles of Incorporation as part of the CWG's public comment submission. Chairs will send a
consolidated comment (including the purpose language). - Action (Sharon): Sidley to prepare a table of current issues in bylaws and articles for CWG to resolve and / or respond to Public Comment on bylaws and articles
- Action: Greg to share the draft language on purpose with the CWG
- Action (Greg for Client Committee): Request that Sidley review the PTI governance documents.
- Action (ICANN): ICANN to provide redlines of the ICANN governance documents compared to the proposed PTI governance documents (since the PTI documents
are based off of ICANN documents).
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The MP3 recording is available here:
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (7/15/2016 09:13) Good day all and welcome to Client Committee Meeting @23 on 15 July 2016!
Grace Abuhamad: (09:29) FYI -- Jonathan will be late to the call
Grace Abuhamad: (09:31) We need to dial out to Lise. One moment please
Maarten Simon 2: (09:36) sorry on audio now
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:38) confirmed that Josh is revising those agreements
Maarten Simon 2: (09:40) Sharon, when do you expect his comments ?
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:42) I don't have visibility on that. We will revert
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:42) definitely need Josh.
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:43) We'll send that over today
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:47) should say bylaws and articles
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (09:49) My action item should refer to articles and bylaws in the first place too
Grace Abuhamad: (09:52) captured. thanks sharon
Trang Nguyen: (09:57) Yes, we will try to get them out today
Sharon Flanagan (Sidley): (10:10) Thanks all
Trang Nguyen: (10:10) Thank you! Bye!
Greg Shatan: (10:10) Thank you all!