Webinars (11 June 2015)
WEBINAR: Briefing on Final CWG-Stewardship Proposal
Original link: https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-06-03-en
Following Public Comment periods in December 2014 and April/May 2015, the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal for Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship) has finalized its proposal and delivered it to SO/AC chartering organizations for approval. Chartering organizations will deliberate during the ICANN53 meeting in Buenos Aires, with expected delivery of the proposal to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) by 25 June 2015.
In order to brief the community on the contents of the final proposal, the CWG-Stewardship Chairs will host two identical briefing webinars on 11 June at different times to facilitate participation across time zones. The webinars will take place on:
- 11 June from 06:00 – 07:30 UTC (time zone converter here)
- 11 June from 13:00 – 14:30 UTC (time zone converter here)
Webinars will be conducted in English. Live interpretation services are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Russian. Interpretation services will be provided by advance request only, so please be sure to request language services when submitting an RSVP (details below). Language requests must be received by 9 June in order to adequately resource the webinars.
Webinar Details & How to Attend
The webinars will be run in an Adobe Connect room. If you are interested in attending the webinar and would like to receive dial-in details, please send an email to brenda.brewer@icann.org and indicate:
- The time at which you would like to attend the webinar; and
- Your language request (if needed). Live interpretation services are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian.
Please note that the webinars will be recorded and transcribed. Subsequently the transcripts will be posted on the CWG-Stewardship Wiki here.
Further information
For further information about the CWG-Stewardship’s work, please see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CIDeBQ.
Download the webinar slides here --> Webinar_FinalBriefing_v4.pdf |
Webinar 1
11 June 2015 06:00 UTC
Attendees: Alejandro Pisanty, Allan Skuce, Annaliese Williams, Antonia Chu, Anupam Agrawal, Arsene Tungali, Bart Boswinkel, Boyoung Kim, Chris Disspain, Feng Guo, Ghislain Nkeramugaba, He Jia, Hyuno Kwon, Izumi Okutani, Janvier Ngnoulaye, Jian Chang, Joly MacFie, Jonathan Robinson, Jordan Carter, Julie Hammer, Julie Z, Kaydian Smith, Kelvin Wong, Klaus Stoll, Konstantinos Komaitis, L Gradden, Liana Teo, Lise Fuhr, Manal Ismail, Mathieu Weill, Matogoro Jabhera, Minjung Park, Naomi Tandy, Nigel Hickson, Nikki Hu, Nurani Nimpuno, Oanh, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Pam Little, Paul Szyndler, Peter Green, Peter Koch, Peter Van Roste, Pitinan Kooarmornpatana, Rachel, Ramanou Biaou, Sebastien Bachollet, Seun Ojediji, Shin Yamasaki, Stanley Shan, Susan Payne, Theo Geurts, Tom Dale, Wanawit Ahkuputra, Xiaodong Lee, Yama, Yaovi Atohoun, Yasuichi Kitamura, Yuri Takamatsu, Zheng Song (60)
Adobe Connect Recording: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p5nvhx36j1i/
Audio Recordings:
EN: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_1_EN.mp3
FR: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_1_FR.mp3
ZH: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_1_ZH.mp3
Adobe Chat:
Brenda Brewer: (6/11/2015 00:29) Good Day and Welcome to the CWG-Stewardship Webinar at 06:00 UTC on 11 June.
Mike Brennan: (00:36) As a reminder - everyone please mute your phone line or microphone when you are not speaking. On the phone, please hit *6 to mute and *7 to unmute. If you are using your computer mic in the room, please hit the microphone at the top of the room to mute and unmute. Thank you!
Mike Brennan: (00:39) If you would like to speak using your computer microphone please hit the button at the top of the room to raise your hand and your microphone will be enabled.
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large): (00:52) hi, all
Jordan Carter (.nz): (00:53) Hi everyone
Matogoro Jabhera: (00:58) Hi everyone
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (01:07) Global Internet Community, not Global Internet Society
Stanley Shan: (01:10) hi everyone,stanley Shan from Beijing,China
Arsene Tungali: (01:19) Hey, Just joined from the DRC
Matogoro Jabhera: (01:20) Hello Tungali welcome, this is Matogoro from Tanzania
seun: (01:21) good to see you both here @arsene and mategoro
Joly MacFie: (01:21) Possibly should add after NTIA (US Congress (30 Days)]
Matogoro Jabhera: (01:21) Good @Seun
Stanley Shan: (01:22) bonjour,asenne tungali
Arsene Tungali: (01:22) Thanks @Seun and @Matogoro. Bonjour @Stanley, ca va?
Stanley Shan: (01:23) ca va~mercy
kaydian: (01:29) morning Kaydian from Jamaica
Sébastien: (01:41) What is a TLD rep not g and not cc?
Stanley Shan: (01:44) hi,sebastien, i think it is new gTLD?
Sébastien: (01:44) still a g?
Grace Abuhamad: (01:45) @Sebastien -- it's actually meant as Other communities such as .ARPA (IETF), and legacy TLDs like .mil
Joly MacFie: (01:45) .int, .eu,
Sébastien: (01:45) OK one US voice more :(
Sébastien: (01:45) .eu is a cc
Joly MacFie: (01:45) ah
Sébastien: (01:45) .int is run by ICANN
Grace Abuhamad: (01:46) it's a liaison role, given as an option to allow for inclusivity of all TLDs
Sébastien: (01:46) .mil, .edu and ..gov are g run by US
Stanley Shan: (01:47) i agree with grace
Pam Little: (01:47) The majority of the PTI board will be ICANN staff (3 out 5), what's the thinking behind that?
Sébastien: (01:47) OK I understand better
Joly MacFie: (01:48) Is there any definition on how long it will take the NTIA to report to Congress, and then as the vote today sated there is 30 days.. after which proposal can be accepted
Joly MacFie: (01:48) ?
HE JIA: (01:49) What are the main changes compared with the previous proposal?
Julie Hammer: (01:49) Your written proposal mentions a standing committee to recommend on major architectural and operational changes but this is not represented on these current diagrams.
Matogoro Jabhera: (01:49) In the statistics, can I know how many African countries have contibuted to the proposal?
Pam Little: (01:50) Thank you.
Paul Szyndler: (01:50) Thank you for the briefing Lise - to follow up on the previous question from Pam, is there 100% clarity on the remaining two members? (I read the proposal as "at least" three members")
HE JIA: (01:51) I mean the proposal looking for comments in May
Paul Szyndler: (01:51) To be clear - would there definitely be 5 and where would they "be from"?
Alejandro Pisanty: (01:51) Have you looked at the impact of this reorganization on the AoC and Bylaws-mandated organizational reviews? (of course the AoC would vanish but the same reviews would need be re-created and made mandatory.) Or would this only be dealt with in the Accountability side?
Alejandro Pisanty: (01:52) Second question: do you think you have created incentives against a split IANA, in favor, or neutral?
Grace Abuhamad: (01:53) @Matogoro -- no countries submitted comments, but we had 6 submissions in Public Comment from African region. We also have 2 African region represenatives as members of the CWG (Seun for ALAC and Vika for ccNSO)
Jonathan Robinson: (01:54) @Lise. I am not on audio
Matogoro Jabhera: (01:54) Good @Grace
Julie Hammer: (01:54) Please see my earlier question above which was inadvertantly missed.
Stanley Shan: (01:54) the two independent directors of PTI board is from NomCom of PTI?
Mathieu Weill, Accountability co-chair: (01:54) @Alejandro:: that is part of accountability CCWG but could you clarify which impact ?
Jordan Carter (.nz): (01:55) Alejandro: the Acct proposal fully transitions the AOC review and, we think, improves them
Alejandro Pisanty: (01:56) Mathieu, Jordan, then I'll wait to discuss there. THANKS, Lise, all.
Alejandro Pisanty: (01:56) Split re one IANA for all three functions or it going into 3 IANAs, one each for numbers, names and protocols
Jonathan Robinson: (01:57) @Paul. 3-5 board members. We have not forced a election mechanism but recommended a rigorous process such as NomCom for the 2 independent directors
Jonathan Robinson: (01:58) election = selection
Stanley Shan: (01:58) the two independent directors of PTI board is from NomCom of PTI?I mean PTI has a unique Nomcom?
Jonathan Robinson: (01:58) ICANN NomCom
Stanley Shan: (01:58) yes, thank you
Nikki Hu (BII): (01:59) where will be registries of IANA entity ?
Marika Konings: (01:59) You can now all scroll through the slides at your leisure
Xiaodong Lee: (02:01) PTI board need to be composed of stakeholders to protect the interest of main stakeholders, not necessary too many from ICANN and PTI itself.
Alejandro Pisanty: (02:01) Olivier is an old hand - we know...
Julie Hammer: (02:01) Page 32 para 155
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (02:01) I was under the impression that all escalations started at CSC and that BOTH ccNSO & GNSO needed to agree to an IFR. Wow -- this is en entirely different game, if the GNSO or ccNSO can raise a specia IFR for any reason whatsoever
Stanley Shan: (02:01) two indepdendent director from ICANNN Nomcom,that looks like PTI is not completely seperated from ICANN....
Julie Hammer: (02:02) No, this is mentioned as a separate one on p35 para 155
Grace Abuhamad: (02:02) @Julie -- it is not a formal entity as such, but proposed to be a kind of standing committee
Feng: (02:02) i may overlook some points, where will PTI be located, preferably international jurisdiction
Nikki Hu (BII): (02:03) yes,i agree with stanley
Sébastien: (02:03) OPEN the audio in the Adobe to help the exchanges, please
Grace Abuhamad: (02:03) We will open mics per hand raised
Julie Z: (02:03) @Feng California I believe
Grace Abuhamad: (02:04) If you would like to speak using your computer microphone please hit the button at the top of the room to raise your hand and your microphone will be enabled.
Feng: (02:04) @Julie Z thanks
Alejandro Pisanty: (02:07) Strategic question: what is the fallback plan if this huge structure is not accepted or turns out not to be implementable in a realistic time frame?
Pam Little: (02:07) There are comments in the chat regarding PTI board.
Pam Little: (02:07) They should be read out as "commnets".
Pam Little: (02:08) "comments". sorry.
Julie Z: (02:08) @Alejandro Pisanty, I have the same concern
Grace Abuhamad: (02:08) @Pam -- the Chat is noted for the record along with transcript
HE JIA: (02:08) Why not consider to call for bids to operate PTI?
Alejandro Pisanty: (02:12) The Board is the same order of magnitude as the ICANN Board so it is large; thx for the reply
Jonathan Robinson: (02:12) The board is a 3-5 member board. It is much smaller than ICANN board.
Feng: (02:13) will PTI be the subsidary of ICANN, another non-for profit company?
Anupam Agrawal: (02:14) @ Feng..I understand that PTI is a subsidiary...
Grace Abuhamad: (02:14) @Feng -- the CWG has proposed an affiliate of ICANN, likely as a California Public Benefit Corporation
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (02:15) In my opinio, if PTI loses the IANA Function to another IANA functions operation, it will just cease to have any function and it wil be up to ICANN to decide to dissolve it or not
Grace Abuhamad: (02:16) Your mic is enabled Julie -- you need to activate it from your end or unmute
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (02:16) BUT -- that's of course only related to the Naming Function. PTI could continue work for the Protocols and for the Numbers
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (02:16) remember the possible splitting
Feng: (02:17) @Anupam Agrawal @Grace Abuhamad thanks
HE JIA: (02:17) After CWG proposal to submit to ICG, how does ICG to cooperate with CCWG ? What is the process?
Jonathan Robinson: (02:18) @Julie. Thank-you very much. I agree with Lise, the group worked hard and well and sought to find common ground wherever possible. It was a true collaborative effort with excellent ICANN staff support.
Janvier Ngnoulaye: (02:19) Expected answer to HE JIA question !
Julie Z: (02:19) seems CWG is depending on ICG's coordination, with the other cumminities as well as with ICANN and NITA, but I didn't see any effective measures taken so far by ICG to communicate with ICANN or NTIA. Will there be plan B if any of them didn't buy the proposal?
Julie Z: (02:22) Thank you, appreciate it.
Jian Chang_KNET: (02:24) Good to know. Thank you!
Matogoro Jabhera: (02:25) Can I get more clarification on how CSC will perform its operational responsibility
Grace Abuhamad: (02:25) Here is a list of all the ICANN53 transition-related sessions: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/75jeBQ
HE JIA: (02:26) Seems that after public comments of ICG, the ICG will sumbit the proposal to ICANN Board withouting waiting for CCWG until Oct? But as NTIA said, the transfer said, the transition will not happen without a good CCWG proposal,. So I am still curious about the process
Matogoro Jabhera: (02:27) Thanks
Jonathan Robinson: (02:28) CSC will imonitor performance and interact with PTI management
Jonathan Robinson: (02:28) The mission will be achieved through regular monitoring by the CSC of the performance of the IANA naming function against agreed service level targets and through mechanisms to engage with the IANA Functions Operator to remedy identified areas of concern
M: (02:28) @He Jia : the two tracks will work in parallel and probably deliver roughly at same time
M: (02:29) For disclosure M is Mathieu weill
Allan Skuce: (02:30) Thanks, Bye
Stanley Shan: (02:30) mercy,everyone
Nikki Hu (BII): (02:30) thank you all
Alejandro Pisanty: (02:30) Thank you very much, Lise. Cheers all, see you soon.
Julie Z: (02:30) thank you all
M: (02:30) Thank you Lise, excellent call !
Janvier Ngnoulaye: (02:30) thank to all
Annaliese Williams (Australia): (02:30) thank you Lise, and goodbye all
Anupam Agrawal: (02:30) ThankYou All
nigel hickson 2: (02:30) thanks; good call!
Matogoro Jabhera: (02:30) Thanks You All
Ghislain RICTA (Rwanda): (02:30) Thanks to you all too
Arsene Tungali: (02:30) Have a nice day all, was a pleasure to be here
Julie Hammer: (02:30) Thanks Lise!
HE JIA: (02:30) Thanks, bye all
Pam Little: (02:30) Thank you Lise.
Feng: (02:31) bye
Lise Fuhr: (02:31) Thank you all for joining
Webinar 2
11 June 2015 06:00 UTC
Attendees: Adriana Lazzaroni, Alan Greenberg, Allan MacGillivray, Ampara, Anders Hektor, Andrres Sastre, Andrew Harris, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Annebeth Lange, Ari, Asha Hemrajani, Ashley Roberts, Avri Doria, Aziz, Belaid Nouar, Bernd Neujahr, Berry Cobb, Bob Ochieng, Caroline Greer, Carolyn Nguyen, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chuck Gomes, Clara Collado, Crescent, Cristina Monti, Maciej Tomaszewski, Elisabeth Escobar, Elise Gerich, Fatima, Gary Hunt, Gema Campillos, Gisella Gruber, Glen de Saint Gery, Graeme Bunton, Greg DiBiase, Greg Shatan, Hadja Sanon, Heath Dixon, Henri Kassen, Houssaini, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jennifer Chung, Jesus Rivera, Joe Catapano, Jon Nevett, Jonathan Robinson, Juusoo Moisander, Kim Carlson, Leon Sanchez, Lorenzo, Maria Vilardo, Martin Simon, Mary Uduma, Mary Wong, Matthew Shears, Matthias Kettemann, Matthieu Camus, Michael Niebel, Monika, Myriam VanHyfte, Patricio Poblete, Peter Vergote, Philip Corwin, Philip Sheppard, Pierre Dandjinou, Robert Guerra, Roman Malinoswski, Ron Sherwood, Sara Bockey, Sergio R., Sorina Teleanu, Staffan Jonson, Steve Metalitz, Raylor Bentley, Tero Mustala, Theo Geurts, Thomas Rickert, Tony Harris, Tracey Hind, Tracy Hackshaw, Vanda Scartezini, Victor Ndonnang, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Yasuichi Kitamura, Zdravko Jukić (85)
Adobe Connect Recording: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p8tazw730b8/
Audio Recordings:
EN: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_2_EN.mp3
ES: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_2_ES.mp3
FR: 20150611_CWG_Stewardship_Webinar_2_FR.mp3
Adobe Chat:
vanda SCARTEZINI: (6/11/2015 07:42) for some reason for this webinar the sound is not working for me. will close
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (07:56) hi all
Eric Evrard: (07:57) Hello Cheryl
Jonathan Robinson: (07:57) Hello All
Matthias C. Kettemann: (07:57) Hi - should we be hearing someting?
Jonathan Robinson: (07:57) No audio yet
Leon Sanchez: (07:59) hello all
Tracy Hackshaw (Trinidad & Tobago): (08:00) Hello Leon, CLO. all
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair: (08:01) Hi all!
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (08:01) Hello everyone.
Brenda Brewer: (08:03) Recordings are started
Marika Konings: (08:06) Please note that we will also list the questions that are raised in the chat in the pod on the top right hand side to keep track. If you have a question that you would like to ask at the end of the session, please precede thos with QUESTION. Thank you.
Robert Guerra (mobile): (08:10) calling in via bridge as internet intermittent where I am
Grace Abuhamad: (08:12) Ok @Robert. Let us know if you need a dialout.
Myriam Van Hyfte: (08:15) french translation isn't working well.
Eric Evrard: (08:16) Myriam, what's wrong with it ?
Yasuichi Kitamura (At-Large): (08:42) oh?
Leon Sanchez: (08:42) no audio?
Greg Shatan: (08:42) We've lost Jonathan.
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (08:42) audio lost
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (08:42) audio lost?
Gisella Gruber 2: (08:42) No audio
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (08:53) QUESTION - Regarding the composition of the Board, what exactly is the nature of the position described as "IANA Managing Director" and to whom does that person report - how is compensation determined for that person?
Grace Abuhamad: (08:54) Noted @Anne. Thatnk you
Grace Abuhamad: (08:57) Today, the person referred to is Elise Gerich
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (08:57) Thank you.
Cristina Monti & Maciej Tomaszewski: (08:58) Can you clarify when the 14 days period for submission to COs starts and ends?
Grace Abuhamad: (08:58) ICANN 53 takes place on 21 - 25 June
Anders Hektor: (08:58) It would be very helpfull if you could mention what are the main developments in comparison to the last draft proposal. Thank you.
Grace Abuhamad: (08:58) The 14 days starts today (11 June) and ends on 25 June
Grace Abuhamad: (09:00) For your information, all the transition-related sessions at ICANN 53 are posted on the Wiki here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/75jeBQ
belaid NOUAR: (09:00) sorry, Can you plaise inform if there's any parallel action between NTIA and RZM for transition.
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (09:01) QUESTION: Would it be accurate to say that the Members as proposed in the new Accountability structure would have no authority over the new IANA Board?
Philip Sheppard BG: (09:01) Do you believe now that there is full integration with CWG IANA and the overall CCWG ICANN accountability process?
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (09:02) Thank you Jonathan.
Greg Shatan: (09:02) Jonathan, that would be my understanding as well.
Philip Sheppard BG: (09:03) Good news !
Peter Vergote: (09:04) QUESTION: Am I right to say that the CO's only have choice between 2 options: approve or reject the CWG proposal? Or could a CO approve on condition of certain modifications being made to the proposal?
Grace Abuhamad: (09:05) We've released the slides so that you can scroll through them at your ease
Anne Aikman-Scalese: (09:05) Jonthan et al on the WG - many thanks for all your hard work!
Grace Abuhamad: (09:06) @Belaid -- The NTIA addressed the transition of the Root Zone Maintainer function will be a separate process in its “IANA Functions and Related Root Zone Management Transition Questions and Answers” on 18 March 2014. See http://www.ntia.doc.gov/other-publication/2014/iana-functions-and-related-root-zone-management-transition-questions-and-answ for further details.
Grace Abuhamad: (09:07) the slides are also posted on Wiki. Link to slides: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/15jeBQ
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair: (09:07) @Peter: I am not sure whether conditional approval is a manageable approach. Imagine we have varying or contradicting conditions to the approval. It might make things very hard to manage!
Avri Doria: (09:08) Those not in BA, can particpate remotely in those sessions.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (09:08) excellent Webinar Thanks Jonathaqn'----thanke
Grace Abuhamad: (09:08) For your information, all the transition-related sessions at ICANN 53 are posted on the Wiki here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/75jeBQ
Thomas Rickert, CCWG Co-Chair: (09:08) Well done, Jonathan! Thanks!
Philip Sheppard BG: (09:08) Excellent webinar and excellent slides
Leon Sanchez: (09:08) Thanks Jonathan, very clear explanation
Bob Ochieng: (09:08) Thank you very much CWG team!
Mary Uduma: (09:08) Thank you Johnathan and co-chair.
Ron Sherwood: (09:09) Excellent presentation, thank you
Annebeth Lange, Norid: (09:09) Thank you very much!
Tracy Hackshaw (Trinidad & Tobago): (09:09) Thank you all