Outreach Tracking CWG-Stewardship

Outreach Tracking CWG-Stewardship

Outreach and engagement activities of CWG groups to date

(listed in order received)


Outreach and engagement by the ccNSO-appointed members

  • March 2014 –  ICANN 49 Meeting in Singapore: ccNSO Sessions on IANA Stewardship Transition (http://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/singapore49/agenda.htm)
  • June 2014 – ICANN 50 Meeting in London: ccNSO Sessions IANA Stewardship Transition (http://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/london50/agenda.htm)
  • June 2014 –  The ccNSO created special email list to reach out to all ccTLD managers, independent of membership of the ccNSO
  • June 2014 – Membership of he CWG was sought from among all ccTLDs. As a result two of the five members of the ccNSO appointed members on the CWG are from ccTLDs who are not members of the ccNSO
  • October 2014 – ICANN 51 Meeting in Los Angeles: ccNSO Sessions on IANA Stewards Transition Process. Panel discussion on process and scope of IANA Stewardship Transition Process and ccTLD panel discussion on issues pertaining to IANA Stewardship Process from a ccTLD perspective (http://ccnso.icann.org/meetings/los-angeles51/agenda.htm)
  • August-November 2014 – Sessions in Regional ccTLD Organizations on issues pertaining to IANA Stewardship Process (e.g. http://www.aptld.org/system/files/share/1/brisbane_meeting_program_2014_v_5.pdf,) 
  • November 2014 – The ccNSO-appointed members of the CWG, in close collaboration with the Regional ccTLD Organizations (AFTLD, APTLD, CENTR and LACTLD), conducted a survey among all ccTLDs, including IDN ccTLDs, to seek their input and preferences with respect to IANA Stewardship Transition, to inform the discussions and deliberations of the CWG. Approximately 110 out of 280 ccTLDs responded. To prepare the ccTLD community for this survey, the ccTLD members of the CWG conducted webinars. The results of the survey are publicly available at: http://ianaso.org. The results were also presented in a webinar to the community.


Outreach and engagement by the GAC-appointed members and participants

  • September 2014 – The GAC leadership group (Chair and Vice Chairs) sent out an e-mail to GAC members seeking final agreement on joining the CWG, including adopting the Group's Charter
  • December 2014 – GAC will have a webinar for all GAC members during the public comment period right after the CWG draft is published
  • October 2014 – Letter from the GAC Chair to Co-Chairs of the CWG Charter Drafting Team - confirming that the GAC has adopted the charter and will join as a chartering organization with two members
  • October 2014 – ICANN 51 Meeting in Los Angeles: Internal GAC discussions on the CWG charter and procedures for exchange of information from the members to the GAC. GAC rep in CWG has the responsibility to inform the GAC on CWG discussions and deliverables. For this purpose GAC members of the CWG has created a Workspace on the GAC website with systematic information from the CWG Wiki - including meeting schedules, agendas, notes and timelines for comments and deliverables.  An internal GAC document was produced to map the scope of work in CWG Charter and current IANA Functions Contract against existing GAC Advice
  • In addition to the GAC Workspace, GAC members and members and participants of the CWG use the GAC mailing list to point attention to specific items and discussions in the smaller working groups in the CWG. Since there is no opportunity to have a face-to-face GAC meeting between the ICANN 51 Meeting in Los Angeles and the CWG deadline for submission of a proposal to the ICG, each GAC member has been invited to submit comments to GAC CWG members and participants to be put forward in the in the discussions in the CWG
  • November 2014 – The draft principles document of the CWG was forwarded to GAC for comments and analysis of overlaps against the GAC work on high-level principles on IANA transition and associated accountability processes. The GAC broadly supported the draft principles from the CWG, but there were substantial contributions from GAC members and topic leads on identifying concerns to be forwarded in the discussions on the principles in the face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt on 19-20 November.
  • November 2014 – GAC members of the CWG gave a report to the GAC on the latest discussions and developments in the CWG especially in regards of the work in RFP3 (Post-Transition oversight and Accountability Arrangements), and the documents featuring the “triage of IANA Functions Contract” and “issues flowing from the IANA Functions Contract”. On 13 November, the first "Strawman Matrix" with alternatives and a set out picture of models for discussion were forwarded to the GAC list, asking for GAC colleagues comments on specific items before the face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt. The GAC discussion and input online feed into the CWG items on, among others, multistakeholder involvement, separation of ICANN/IANA, and the establishing of an appeals mechanism. This input was forwarded in the discussions in Frankfurt.  
  • November 2014 – Chairs’ Statement and information update was sent to the GAC list for comments following the face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt
  • GAC members and participants in the CWG and the GAC secretariat have been using GAC mailing list to point attention to specific items and discussions in the CWG, asking for GAC members comments and questions in the ongoing process. The GAC secretariat has also established a CWG/CCWG whiteboard on GAC website - for updates and exchange on both CWG and CCWG draft proposals. The GAC secretariat have been following the CWG process closely, using the whiteboard to give summary of CWG/CCWG discussions, updated timeline on CWG and CCWG draft proposals and processes, information about Webinars, summary of public comments from other Governments/GAC members and information about internal GAC procedures and range of possible options for taking a position as a Chartering Organisation of CWG. Information on the whiteboard is functioning as a coordination tool between CWG stewardship and CCWG Accountability.

  • GAC has held briefing sessions between GAC leaders team and CWG members for update on CWG process and timeline before the public comment period for the CWG draft proposal in April.
  • On the 22nd of April, the GAC Chair Thomas Schneider wrote a letter to all GAC members to remind members about the CWG and CCWG timeline and public comment period and to inform how the GAC can contribute to the CWG and CCWG process before, during and after Buenos Aires meeting.
  • GAC members and participants in the CWG, together with the GAC secretariat, gave a summary of the CWG draft proposal before GAC wide calls.
  • The GAC has held GAC-wide calls on the 5th and 6th of May to enable individual GAC members to discuss and develop their views on the CWG draft proposal and share their views across the GAC. Discussions on these wide-calls identified issues of special interest to the GAC in both the CWG and CCWG draft proposals.
  • Sufficient time has been allocated for GAC discussions on CWG final proposal and CCWG draft proposal during the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires.
  • GAC CWG members and participants and the GAC secretariat has provided analysis of how GAC input is reflected in the CWG proposal,  including how the sets of principles agreed by the GAC in desember 2014 have been reflected in the CWG


Outreach and Engagement by the RySG (GNSO) members and participants

The following are the highlights of the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) consultations and outreach efforts within the community of gTLD registry operators regarding the IANA Stewardship Transition Cross Community Working Group (IANA CWG).

  • The RySG first created an Accountability WG with a focus on the IANA transition and ICANN Accountability efforts to facilitate collaboration and the development of shared RySG positions.  A special email list was formed and several teleconference calls were held. Both the calls and the email list were open to all interested RySG or New gTLD Applicant Group (NTAG), an observer group that is a part of the RySG and is open to all new gTLD applicants, members or observers. Further, this group discussed options for contacting and involving gTLD registry operators and new gTLD applicants who had not yet joined the RySG or NTAG.  A plan for doing this was agreed to during the ICANN 51 Public Meeting and is in the process of being implemented as described at end of this document.
  • Next the RySG formed a small team comprising participants in the IANA CWG. One of the primary purposes for this small team was to act as liaisons to the RySG and the NTAG,.  In addition to its members participating actively in the IANA CWG, they also meet twice a week to discuss and coordinate their efforts in the CWG and to plan ways to involve the broader RySG and NTAG memberships in the IANA CWG. Additionally, on the RySG email list and meetings, the small team actively encouraged participation by registry operators that would provide geographic diversity and representation from interest groups within the community of gTLD Registry Operators.
  • The RySG Secretariat team obtained contact information for the following groups: registry operators who had signed a registry agreement with ICANN but had not joined the RySG or NTAG and new gTLD applicants who had not yet executed a registry agreement.  A message was sent to over 500 representatives for these organizations: 1) informing them of the pending IANA Stewardship Transition and the associated CWG; 2) describing the RySG efforts in the CWG; and 3) inviting them to participate in the RySG CWG efforts.  Finally, a special email list was created that allows all those who wish to join in the RySG CWG work to join in discussions with RySG members and observers, without requiring them to join the RySG or NTAG. The small team of CWG participants has deployed this list and the main RySG and NTAG list servese to communicate key developments of the RySG IANA Stewardship Working Group, as well as provide updates on the CWG on the biweekly calls of the RySG. All communications have welcomed and encouraged input from any gTLD registry operator, whether or not he or she participates directly within the CWG.
  • The RySG is also planning to conduct a webinar shortly following the publication of the draft Proposal on Naming Related Functions (“draft proposal”). The goals of this webinar are:
    • To explain and answer questions regarding the draft proposal;
    • To provide greater clarity into the evolution of discussions within the CWG, and the process undertaken to arrive at the draft proposal;
    • To seek comments and other feedback from any interested gTLD Registry Operator to form possible RySG public comments on the draft; and
    • To ensure that the work of the small team of participants continues to align with the interests of the community of gTLD registry operators as a whole.

Webinars will be open to any gTLD Registry Operator, and will be publicized using the channels described above. To foster broad participation across geographic regions the RySG hopes to hold multiple webinars in different time slots. 


Outreach and Engagement by the ALAC and At-Large members and participants

  • The ALAC and At-Large Community (global with representation from all 5 ICANN Geographic Regions) has primarily acted through its 'At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function Work Group'; there is a main wiki page which links to all activities including the weekly teleconferences / meetings and in each of those sub pages Agendas, Minutes/Notes, Meeting Transcripts and Recordings in EN, FR, ES (at a minimum) is found here
  • This completely open Community WG was formed for the purpose of both consultation and support and feedback for our representation in the ICG as well as other committees and WG's related to this matter.  The mission is stated as "...The mission of this ad-hoc working group is to discuss the transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA function in relation to the discussions taking place in other fora such as the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordinating Group (ICG) and the discussions and processes taking place in RIR, IETF, ISOC & IAB spaces. Membership of this WG is open to all At-Large members. ..."  
  • Additionally this last week's At-Large Capacity Building Program - 2014/15 Webinar was also on the Topic  "IANA Functions (Standards, Naming & Numbering)". The trainer was Patrik Fältström, SSAC Chair;  Noting that ALAC believes that a solid understanding of the fundamentals of IANA Functions (based on the recently released- Aug 15, 2014  SAC067) is essential to ensure well informed deliberations, debate and constructive community consultations...


Outreach and Engagement by RrSG (GNSO) members

  • Reached out to all ICANN accredited registrars to inform and identify those that are interested in the work of the CWG as well as the IANA Stewardship Transition as a whole.  
  • Within the Registrar stakeholder group (RrSG), there have been regular updates, summaries and discussions as the CWG has progressed.   
  • The RrSG has also formed a small internal group to summarize the work to date of the CWG to all Registrars, as well as to provide feedback on the published draft proposal.


Outreach and Engagement by NCSG (GNSO) members and participants

  • In NCSG various level of drafts have been sent to the NCSG Discuss list that all members and member reps are subscribed to.    
  • There is a sublist of the full Discuss list for discussions, though some discussions do go on on the main Discuss list.  The Stewardship sublist is open to all members and employees of members.
  • NCSG have an epad open for NCSG stakeholder comments that should result in a submitted comment before the closing deadline.