Outreach related to 2nd Public Comment
Outreach related to 2nd Public Comment
Shared within communities:
- ISOC Internet Collaboration list (Nigel Hickson)
- Shared Webinars with ISOC Chapters worldwide (Olivier Crepin-Leblond)
- IANAoversight mailing list – AFRINIC (Seun)
- IANAPLAN (Andrew Sullivan)
- Cooperation-WG (Jaap)
Webinar Attendance:
- Webinar #1 – 57
- Webinar #2 – 80
CWG Member/Participant hosted webinars/briefings:
- Staffan Jonson organized Webinar for .SE (4/24)
- ALAC organized a Webinar on the CWG Proposal (4/27)
- Staffan Jonson and Paul Kane hosted two Outreach Webinars for ccTLDs (4/28-4/29)
- NIRA AGM meeting presentation by Seun and Mary (4/30)
- ICANN/NCSG civil society webinar on 4/29 (Avri and Matt)
18 retweets, 3 favorites
- 3,281 impressions (total number of people who saw the tweet on their timeline)
- 61 engagements (total number of people who expanded, clicked or interacted with the tweet beyond reading on their timeline)
7 retweets, 4 favorites
- 2,601 impressions (total number of people who saw the tweet on their timeline)
- 21 engagements (total number of people who expanded, clicked or interacted with the tweet beyond reading on their timeline)
12 non-ICANN official accounts shared tweets:
- EURid @EUregistry
- IP Justice @ipjustice
- Byron Holland @cira001
- Milton Mueller @miltonmueller
- Mark Buell @mubuell
- James Bladel @Bladel
- DomFinder.com @domfinder
- Konstantinos Komiatis @kkomaitis
- Nurani Nimpuno @nnimpuno
- Sam Dickinson @sgdickinson
Articles written about the public comment:
- The Register: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/24/internet_kingmakers_drop_ego_devise_future_of_the_internet/?mt=1430150936140
- Telesintense: http://www.telesintese.com.br/icann-abre-nova-consulta-sobre-transicao-de-funcoes-iana/ (Portuguese)
Other inquiries:
- WIRED Italy
- Reuters (APAC)