DT-L Meeting (8 April 2015)
Attendees: Guru Acharya: Matthew Shears; Jaap Akkerhuis: Allan MacGillivray: Graeme Bunton
Apologies: James Gannon
Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QRiXP9-nxM-h8FgJ_FyM962EwdjnRESrDT2jOtlRZZ0/edit?usp=sharing
Scale back ambitions for the time-being and focus on current transition plan plan.
Suggestion to meet Friday's deadline is to:
- use the template and evolve it based on the current transition plan;
- elaborate on the high-level principles; and
- look at other dependencies with DTs (and other communities)
- elaborate a set of recommendations for how the plan should evolve post transition
Action (Matthew): Capture David's comments on DT-L. Also will want to run this template by him tomorrow.
Dependencies with other DTs:
DT-O (Budget) will not be addressing budget costs for transition plan.
DT-M (Escalation): one of their escalation steps may at some point be a RFP or separation, but the detail is not being addressed.
Currently the escalation step relating to RFP says '6. Initiate RFP or [Process mechanism yet to be defined] [Pending Legal Advice & Fundamental Bylaw definition in CCWG]'
--> DT-L could recommend a process for transition
Action (Allan): draft recommendations for escalation related aspects (will circulate on mailing list)
DT-N (Periodic Review) could also be related.
Things to note/edit in the document:
- Scaling back from original plan to write a new transition plan, and instead focusing on the current transition plan and additions to it
- Have not received C.7.2 but submitted a DIDP request for it (submitted an received two other DIDP requests)
Action (Jaap): draft text and recommendations for KSK rollover.
Action (Guru): go over initial concerns (6 point in an email about the trasition plan) and see if addressed in draft.
Analysis of Transition Plan:
'Document Structure' needs to refer to new proposal structure
Transition Actions
'Deliverables not requiring transition' -- note the DIDP request for C.7.2
At best, we'll have a framework for a transition. What DT-L produces can be taken to another level at a later point.
Deadline for edits to document in 24h. Aim for 13:00 UTC on 9 April. This way, Matthew will send text to David for review/feedback.
The MP3 recording is available here: Track1-ID188539281.mp3
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p5wdqe94cfi/
*There was no transcript for this call.
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Hi all -- the link to the DT-L Google Doc is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QRiXP9-nxM-h8FgJ_FyM962EwdjnRESrDT2jOtlRZZ0/edit?usp=sharing
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):Hi all
Allan MacGillivray:Hello to everyone from a still cold canad a.
Graeme Bunton:Hey All
Graeme Bunton:Agreed, Matthew
Allan MacGillivray:Matthew - that seems very reasonable.
Graeme Bunton:Calculating costs sounds nearly impossible
Grace Abuhamad:Yes @Graeme. I think the idea would be to make a high-level recommendation that this needs to be considered in new plan for example
Grace Abuhamad:The document is also posted on the Wiki
Grace Abuhamad:Wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/pages/98471989/DT-L+Transition+Plan
Graeme Bunton:not from me
Guru Acharya:Makes sense. Agree with plan.
Grace Abuhamad:Unsynced the document
Marika Konings:Currently the escalation step relating to RFP says '6. Initiate RFP or [Process mechanism yet to be defined] [Pending Legal Advice & Fundamental Bylaw definition in CCWG]'
Marika Konings:agree with Allan
Guru Acharya:IPR related issues
Guru Acharya:Is there a DT working on it?
Guru Acharya:Transition of IPR will be dealt with them or us?
Grace Abuhamad:Jaap -- would you like to draft text/recommendations related to KSK rollover?
Allan MacGillivray:I would feel better were Jaap to draft the KSK text.
Guru Acharya:OK. I will try to do that.
Grace Abuhamad:Thanks @ Guru
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):I will see what I can do, I'm behind with other work as well. It will be short :-)
Graeme Bunton:Not from me
Allan MacGillivray:I'm good. Let's get to work. Good call Matthew.
Guru Acharya:Bye
Jaap Akkerhuis (SSAC):By!