[Archive] RFP 3b Documents

[Archive] RFP 3b Documents

Below is a list of all Subgroup RFP 3b documents. Please note that these documents are interim work products and are not considered final unless noted otherwise.  




RFP3b Draft Proposal RFP3B-DraftProposalV1.1.docxRFP3B-DraftProposalV1.1.pdf(info) Google Document available here
Meeting #3 Agenda N/ARFP3b Agenda Jan 27.pdf 
Draft Discussion Document Draft Discussion Document on Internal to ICANN Option v2.docxDraft Discussion Document on Internal to ICANN Option v2.pdf 
Slide on possible 'Internal to ICANN' option Slide on Possible Internal to ICANN Option.pptxSlide on Possible Internal to ICANN Option.pdf 
Meeting #2 Agenda RFP3b Agenda Jan 23.docxRFP3b Agenda Jan 23.pdf 
Alternative Proposal from auDA N/AAn alternative proposal for the IANA transition.pdf(info) This document was discussed at Meeting #2 CWG RFP 3B (23 January)
Meeting #1 Slides N/ARFP3b Jan 14 Meeting V2.pdf