[Archive] RFP 3 Documents

[Archive] RFP 3 Documents

Below is a list of all Subgroup RFP 3 documents. Please note that these documents are interim work products and are not considered final unless noted otherwise.  




NTIA's Role in Root Zone Management N/Antias_role_root_zone_management_12162014.pdf(info) This document was used for discussion on Meeting #14 CWG RFP3 (2 Feb)
Remarks by Strickling N/ARemarks by Strickling .pdf(info) This speech was used for discussion on Meeting #14 CWG RFP3 (2 Feb)
IAP Structural Analysis IAP Structural and Functional Analysis.docxIAP Structural and Functional Analysis.pdf 
Alternative RFP3 Alternative_JohnPoole.docxAlternative_JohnPoole.pdf(info) Circulated by John Poole
Contract Co. Structural Analysis ContractCoStructuralAnalysis.docxContractCoStructuralAnalysis.pdf(info) Google Document available here
CSC Structural Analysis






CSC-Structural Analysisv1.1.docx




(info) Google Document available here
Section 3 of Draft Proposal N/ASection 3 of Draft Proposal.pdf(info) Revisited excerpt from 1st Draft Proposal (1 December)
MRT Functional Analysis



MRT Functional Analysis 10Jan2015.docx

MRT Functional Analysis 18Dec2014.docx


MRT Functional Analysis 18Dec2014.pdf

Contract Co. IAP Poll Questions FINAL IANACWGSurveyQuestionsforContractCoandIAP - 7 January 2014.docxN/A(info) This was a contribution to the Contract Co. IAP survey
CSC MRT Poll Questions  

Final Draft IANA CWG Survey Questions for the CSC MRT clean with MM Suggestion.docx

Draf IANA CWG Poll Questions re CSC MRT for RFP3.docx


Draf IANA CWG Poll Questions re CSC MRT for RFP3.pdf

 (info) This was a contribution to the CSC MRT survey
MRT Composition N/AMRT Composition Strawman Excel Matrix - Sheet1.pdf(info) Google Document available here
MRT Structural Analysis MRT Structural Analysis 121414 Draft.docxMRT Structural Analysis 121414 Draft.pdf 
Draft for Draft Proposal CWG-RFP3-Nov23V1.0.docxN/A 









Flowchart updated.pdf

IANA Transition Flow Chart - version 1.3 21 November 2014.pdf

IANA Transition Flow Chart - version 1.2 - 20 November 2014.pdf

IANA Transition Flow Chart - version 1.1. - 20 November 2014.pdf

IANA Transition Flow Chart - 20 November 2014.pdf

(info) Developed during IANA CWG Face-to-Face Meeting (Meeting #7 & Meeting #8) (19-20 November)
Oversight Functions 

Functions(draft for RFP3).docx

Functions Table Format - 19 November 2014.docx

 (info) Discussion documents for Frankfurt F2F
Strawman Matrix




Strawman Matrix-skeleton.docx

StrawmanMatrix (with comments) 17 Nov.docx

Strawman Matrix.docx


StrawmanMatrix (with comments) 17 Nov.pdf

Strawman Matrix.pdf

Strawman 1 

CWG RFP3 Strawman 1.docx

Strawman 1 Pros and Cons.docx

CWG RFP3 Strawman 1.pdf

Strawman 1 Pros and Cons.pdf

Strawman 2 

CWG RFP3 Strawman 2.docx

Strawman 2 Pros and Cons.docx

CWG RFP3 Strawman 2.pdf

Strawman 2 Pros and Cons.pdf

Strawman 3 

CWG RFP3 Strawman 3.docx

Strawman 3 Pros and Cons.docx

CWG RFP3 Strawman 3.pdf

Strawman 3 Pros and Cons.pdf

Pros and Cons Pros and Cons and Questions.docxPros and Cons and Questions.pdf 
Draft List of Variables Draft List of Variables.docxDraft List of Variables.pdf(info) Presented on Meeting #1 CWG-RFP3 (6 November 2014)
Draft Objectives Document Draft Objectives Document.docxDraft Objectives Document.pdf