Meeting #2 CWG RFP5 (17 December 2014)
Subgroup Members: Cheryl Langdon Orr; Desiree Miloshevic; Lise Fuhr; Jaap Akkerhuis; Gary Campbell; Bill Manning; Avri Doria; Gary Hunt
Apologies: Martin Boyle
Staff: Grace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Bernard Turcotte
**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
1. Welcome and Apologies (3-5mins)
Including brief introduction of any new Members of the Group who have joined in response to the call put to the wider list
2. Review of last call and any action items arising (5 Mins)
[COMPLETE] call to list for additional members
[COMPLETE] selection of suitable time for regular weekly calls -- > Suggested at 21:00 UTC on Wednesdays
3. update from RFP-3&4 activities (@Avri Doria 10 mins)
4. Discussion on how to most effectively start our assignment and section drafting. (25-30mins) i.e. as quoted in Lise's email from last week...
"...The assignment of RFP5 is to describe how the proposal meet the requirement from NTIA – you can see this below.
“V. NTIA Requirements
Additionally, NTIA has established that the transition proposal must meet the following five requirements:
- Support and enhance the multistakeholder model;
- Maintain the security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet DNS;
- Meet the needs and expectation of the global customers and partners of the IANA functions;
- Maintain the openness of the Internet;
- The proposal must not replace the NTIA role with a government-led or an inter-governmental organization solution.
This section should explain how your community’s proposal meets these requirements and how it responds to the global interest in the IANA functions.
Note: CWGRFP3 and 4 should have considered this in their work and this should only be a final sanity check to produce the text confirming this requirement once 3 and 4 are completed.”
5. Review any Action Items (5mins)
6. Confirm next call details (3-5mins)
Notes & Action Items
- Bill Manning on audio-only
- Rest of Roll Call will be through Adobe Connect room
- We have new people! Desiree, Jaap, Bill
- Notes from last week's call:
Update on RFP3 & RFP4:
- For RFP3, none will be resolvable until comment period closes but Greg has tables
- For RFP4, a set of timelines and tasks
Discussion on how to start our Assignment:
- Assignment is to respond to NTIA requirements and describe how we think our proposal meets the criteria.
- If we have extra bandwidth, we can work on the "enhancing" aspect -- we are looking to the future
- Is there a definitive list global customers and partners of the IANA functions?
ACTION (staff): pull together survey material or other information that relates to criteria #3 (to see what the needs and expectations are)
ACTION (Bill): send text related to statements that Bill has mentioned
ACTION: start drafting (text and table) that can act as checklist -- tool on Wiki available here:
ACTION (staff): ensure that everyone has access to the editing tool
Next Calls:
- CANCEL: RFP5 Wednesday 24 December 21:00 – 22:00
- Suggest: RFP5 Tuesday 30 December 21:30 – 22:30
- Suggest: RFP5 Wednesday 7 January 21:00 – 22:00
The transcript is available here: MeetingRFP5_17Dec.doc
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Grace Abuhamad:Welcome to RFP 5 Call -- 17 December 2014 at 21:00
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:hullo
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Cheryl, thouhgt you invited more people to this party
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Grace, will we have audio?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:excellent
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Grace will we be enabling audio input
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Lower gain on computer mike Avri
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Not louder, softer
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:way too loud
Grace Abuhamad:Avri -- are you sure you don't want a dial out
Lise Fuhr:Very nice with new people :)
Desiree Miloshevic:we know each other :-)
Avri Doria:have adjust microphone down a bunch. see if that helps.
Grace Abuhamad:Last week's call:
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:@Avri - thnaks
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:nice
Gary Campbell:Thanks Grace
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:The Directly Affected Parties are listed as the Registies
Lise Fuhr:No flexibility
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Parties listed yes has been done for our mandate BUT Bill I believe asks if the actual needs and expectations (details of the SLA's etc., has been made
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Ah - the ccTLDs have produced a survey of all ccTLDs that they could get a hold of and most of the g registries are presenting their requirements via the RySG
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:The cc survey included points for impovements
Grace Abuhamad:The space has been created
Grace Abuhamad:on Wiki
Gary Campbell:@Grace..noted
Avri Doria:of course we need a space, and of course it needs to be wiki and other stuff. i really like mozilla pads a lot these days. great for blue sky development of text. and mozilla provides team work environements.
Gary Campbell:@Bernanrd - do you have a copy of this survey instrument?
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:The primary input from ccTLDs was that overall they are satisfied with the work IANA is currently doing
Avri Doria:i find starting text in a mopd, moving to drive ones it starts to gel and then to wiki once it is under tight edit control for finalizattion is a good sequence.
Avri drive once it ...
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:@Lise - correct
jaap akkerhuis SSAC:No Bill, IANA only signs he ZSK which Veisign uses to sign he root zone
Lise Fuhr:Sorry but I have to leave the call 10 min to 22 UTC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:We are moving on after Jaap
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:SSAC 67 and 68 and relevant comments on 69
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Exactly Thanks Berie
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:orry droped the N
Avri Doria:We need to address this though in any final doc.
Avri Doria:it is a intersting data point and i would like to see thes statements that Bill mentioned.
Avri Doria:perhaps it is something that can feed into the stress tests.
Lise Fuhr:Sorry but I need to leave now - bye
Grace Abuhamad:Wiki page that Berry set up for the group:
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Have to go - bye everyone
Desiree Miloshevic:thank you all
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Thanks ALL!!
Gary Campbell:Bye everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Grace additional AI on staff is tio enure any one in the RFP who want to have edit rights to the Wiki has log in etc., sorted
Grace Abuhamad:noted thanks!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:OK I assue you will send me draft of the AI's when you have them gthered...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and we will be on calls together oftn enough in the comming days to back channel chat
Grace Abuhamad:ok will do