NCSG Policy Meeting - ICANN73

NCSG Policy Meeting - ICANN73

DATE:  Tuesday, 08 March 2022

TIME: 12:30 - 14:00

ROOM: Zoom 5


  1. Welcome & Introduction
  2. GNSO Council Agenda walk-through
  3. Discussion: SubPro – Closed Generics
    a. Introduction of Closed Generics and the hard battles (Kathy Kleiman)
    b. Issues for discussion:
    i. Issues/concerns about Closed Generics generally
    ii. Issues/concerns (raised by Farzi) about the Board's letter of March 6 asking the GNSO and GAC to find a solution and feed it into a new PDP process. 
  4. Administrative updates & any other business
    a. Call for volunteers on the Policy Status Report on the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) public comment.