RySG Membership Meeting - ICANN73

RySG Membership Meeting - ICANN73

DATE:  Tuesday, 08 March 2022

TIME: 10:30 - 12:00

ROOM: Zoom 4 (GNSO)

Draft Agenda:

14:30 Welcome and Update from the Chair - Samantha Demetriou

  1. Updates from GDS

14:40 RySG Priorities for 2022

15:00 RySG Policy Work and Discussions

  1. IDN EPDP - Dennis Tan
  2. Accuracy Scoping Team - Beth Bacon, Marc Anderson, Sophie Hey
  3. Registration Data Policy IRT - Marc Anderson, Beth Bacon, Matthew Crossman
  4. CSC Review Team - Donna Austin, Jonathan Robinson

15:20 GNSO Council Update - Kurt Pritz, Maxim Alzoba, Sebastien Ducos

  1. Recap of ICANN Board session
  2. SubPro ODP
  3. GNSO Small Teams
  1. Modifying gTLD Consensus Policies - Sebastien Ducos, Maxim Alzoba, Chris Disspain
  2. EPDP Phase 1 Rec 12 - Sebastien Ducos
  3. Next Steps regarding DNS Abuse - Sebastien Ducos
  4. EPDP Phase 2 Small Team to Review the SSAD ODA - Marc Anderson, Sebastien Ducos
  1. Council Meeting Preview

15:55 Closing Comments - Samantha Demetriou