Business Constituency CBUC Meeting - Helsinki
Business Constituency CBUC Meeting - Helsinki
Commercial & Business Users Constituency
Open Meeting
Monday, 27 June 2016, Hall B, 12:30 - 13:30 EEST
(for all other times, visit http://tinyurl.com/zbax5vo)
Preliminary Agenda:
1. Introduction & Welcome
2. Document Pilot Production Program – Dan O’Neill
3. Recap of WS2
4. Approval of BC Budget for FY17
5. Issues of Concern
6. AOB
ICANN56 Schedule link, for remote participation details: http://sched.co/7NRB
For more information about the BC, please visit http://www.bizconst.org/.
To prepare and learn more about the GNSO topics in Helsinki, please review the GNSO Policy Briefings at