Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers Constituency Helsinki Meeting

Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers Constituency Helsinki Meeting

Internet Service Providers & Connectivity Providers Open Meeting

Monday, 27 June 2016, 12:30 – 13:30 EEST

ICANN65 Link: http://sched.co/7NWk


Preliminary AGENDA:

12:30    Welcome and introduction to the ISPCP Meeting

12:40    ICANN56

  1. Workstream 2 meeting review (Sunday)
  2. CSG Open Meeting (Wednesday)
  3. CSG – CPH Leadership Lunch (Wednesday)

13:00    ICANN accountability and IANA stewardship transition

13:10   Universal acceptance (update)

13:20    AOB



To prepare and learn more about the GNSO topics in Helsinki, please review the GNSO Policy Briefings at


To learn more about the ISPCP Constituency, please visit http://www.ispcp.info/.