IPC Singapore Meeting 2015-02-10

IPC Singapore Meeting 2015-02-10

Open meeting

Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 1315 -1630 Local Time

Morrison Room, Raffles City Convention Center, SINGAPORE    

Provisional Agenda (2/3/15)  (subject to change)

1315    Introductions/agenda review/scribe/

1330    Review of activities to date at ICANN 51 – identify issues for IPC discussion/action

1400 ICANN staff  briefing/discussion with Allen Grogan, Maguy Serad and contract compliance team

1430 ICANN staff briefing/ discussion with Carole Cornell re draft 5-year operating plan

1500 ICANN staff briefing/discussion with Karen Lentz re new gTLD program reviews

1530    Discussion of staff dialogues and next steps

1600   Remarks by incoming IPC President, and discussion

1620    Review assignments, next meeting, and adjourn