GNSO Wrap-Up Session Singapore February 2015

GNSO Wrap-Up Session Singapore February 2015


Thursday 12 February  2015
12:00 - 13:30


  1. Review of ICANN 52 GNSO related meetings - any feedback / input that should be considered for the ICANN meeting in Buenos Aires (note, a survey will also be circulated to obtain input). Confirm who will hold the pen for the ICANN 53 GNSO meeting schedule. 

     2.  Meeting Strategy Implementation DT - Current volunteers: Tony, Bret, James and Volker. Any others?

     3.  CWG on Country and Territory Names as TLDs Liaison - any volunteers? (Gabriela Szlak was the Council liaison but has left the Council recently)     

    4.   Open & Strategic Discussion – Complete discussion of 3 remaining strategic objectives from Saturday session

    5.   Facilitated F2F PDP WG meeting pilot project – Select WG for facilitated face to face in Buenos Aires (staff suggestion is PPSAI - conditional upon revisiting the decision (if necessary) at the GNSO Council meeting on 19 March should the WG not be able to publish its Initial Report in a timely manner to allow for review of comments and deliberations in preparation of the Final Report in Buenos Aires). 

    6.   new gTLD Discussion Group - Discuss a holistic approach around new gTLD next round planning and reviews. Understand the sequencing of events, including what items should move in parallel or are sequential.

    7.   Confirm action / way forward on CWG for Auction Proceeds

    8.   GNSO Council FY16 Community Requests