Registries Stakeholder Group Singapore Meeting 2011-06-21
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Atrium Ballroom, Morrison Room
9:00 – 12:00 p.m. Open Session
I. Attendance
1. Introduction of attendees
II. Agenda Review and Approval
1. Stakeholder Group Meeting
2. Meeting with ICANN Board and Staff
3. Joint meeting with Registrars Stakeholder Group
III. Demonstration of the Centralized Zone Data Access Pilot Program (Craig Schwartz and the Zone File Access Advisory Group)
IV. New gTLD Process Developments (Kurt Pritz)
1. Final Applicant Guidebook Update
2. Bundling of IDN Versions of (new and existing) TLDs
3. IDN Variant Update
4. Next Steps
V. GNSO Council Motions for 22 June meeting
VI. RySG Business
1. RySG Charter – vote to approve
2. Pending votes for Issues/Reports posted on ICANN Proceedings posted for public
VII. GNSO Council Updates
1. Affirmation of Commitments (AoC) Review Teams
a. Accountability and Transparency
c. Security, Stability and Resiliency
2. Inter-Registrar Transfers Working Group (IRTP) Part B Final Report and
Recommendations – vote on Motion
3. GNSO Improvements
a. Committee Updates
i. Policy Process SC
a. PDP Work Team Report
ii. Operations SC
a. Cross SO/AC Working Groups (CWG) Draft Principles
b. Scope of CWGs
4. Update on Joint Meetings with the GAC and ccNSO
a. Issues and lessons learned from Community Working Groups
b. Next steps going forward
5. Joint SSAC/GNSO Working Group on Internationalized Data Registration
6. Registration Abuse (RAP) Outstanding Recommendations
7. UDRP Issues Report
8. PEDNR (Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery) Final Report
9. Cartagena Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation
10. Joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group
a.WHOIS Requirements Survey
b. WHOIS Studies
12. ccNSO Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories
13. Update on other current developments
11:45 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Meeting with ICANN Board and Staff (Closed Session)
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Continuation of morning session
VIII. WHOIS Review Team
IX. Topics for discussion with ICANN Staff
1. Meeting with new Compliance Director, Maguy Serad
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Registries/Registrars Stakeholder Groups Joint Meeting - Stamford Ballroom, Sophia Room