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Standing Committee on Improvement Implementation - F2F meeting
1. Roll call
2. Statements of Interest
3. Working program
4. Timeline
5. AOB
Useful links
SCI workspace ([https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsosci/Home)
] WG Charter ([https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsosci/3.+Charter)
] GNSO Working Group Guidelines (http://gnso.icann.org/council/summary‐gnso‐wg‐guidelines‐06apr11‐en.pdf
Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation
Draft ideas for a Working program
1. Review on request
‐ develop a standardized way to "raise an issue" with respect to the rec's in scope
target group: everyone within the GNSO
Maybe we should discuss this similar to the way it was done for the new PDP:
‐ Definition of "raising an issue"
‐ who can raise an issue
‐ elements to be covered:
1. issue discovered for improvement
2. identify party raising the issue
3. how the GNSO is effected by the issue?
4. what could be the target by modifying/amending the existing situation (e,g, effectiveness, cost saving...)?
2. Review on a periodic timescale
Here we may
‐ list the set of recommendations in scope and those out of scope
‐ prioritize the rec's listed
‐ discuss the periodicity (in accordance with the general GNSO improvements schedule)
‐ prepare for conversations with Working Groups having finished their job to find out benefits and malfunctions in the related processes (e.g. OSC, PDP-WT, IRTP, PEDNR)
target group: WG leaders
‐ develop a checklist/questionnaire regarding the usability of the WG guidelines
target group: WG members
‐ check the acceptance and usefulness of the toolkit available so far
target group: SGs/constituencies W |
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10:30 |
Standing Committee on Improvement Implementation
Update to the GNSO Council |
10:30 |
11:15 |
Registration Abuse Policies Recommendations - Discuss approach - next steps in relation to remaining recommendations |
11:15 |
12:00 |
Discussion Paper on Best Practices to address the abusive registration of domain names - Status update & discussion
] |
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13:00 |
General Discussion
(1) Potential Council motions
[https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+22+June+2011 ]
(2) NTIA letter of June 16th to the Chair of the ICANN Board on vertical integration
(3) Follow up to GNSO Council Chair's response to Chair of the ICANN Board on GNSO work in relation to assistance for developing countries in new gTLD applications
13:00 |
14:00 |
Working Lunch preparation for GNSO meeting with Board |
14:00 |
14:45 |
Post Expiry Domain Name Recovery (PEDNR)
Presentation of Final Report
http://gnso.icann.org/issues/pednr/council-briefing-pednr-14jun11-en.pdf |
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15:15 |
DNS Security and Stability Analysis Working Group (DSSA) http://singapore41.icann.org/meetings/singapore2011/presentation-dssa-update-22jun11-en.pdf |
15:15 |
15:45 |
Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (IRD WG)
] |
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16:15 |
Break |
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17:15 |
Update on UDRP Issue report |
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17:30 |
Break |
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19:00 |
GNSO Council & Board Discussion
Topics to discuss with the Board – Saturday, 18 June 17:30-19:00
- In light in particular of Larry Strickling's various speeches, including in SF, it could be interesting to hear how the Board views and plans to act on:
a) the AoC process & outputs to date, and the broader progress of transparency &
accountability across the range of ICANN processes;
b) the AoC's repeatedly stated requirement that ICANN act in the public interest. While there've been some preliminary discussions on such matters, the AoC is now almost two years old, so we ought to be able to have a more probing and structured discussion with the benefit of experience.
- Community Working Groups (CWGs) is a discussion we need to continue to have with the Board, if only to update them on the recent discussions we've had amongst ourselves.
- GNSO/Board interact. This is changing, at the Board's initiative. We should perhaps touch on how useful we've found our dinners and interaction with the Board in the past.
- Discuss an anti-revolving door policy with the Board.