Motions 17 July 2008
Motion on IRTP PDP Jun08 WG
Motion: Avri Doria
Second: Chuck
On 25 June 2008 the GNSO council initiated PDP IRTP Part A to be refered to as IRTP PDP Jun08
and, decided to create an PDP WG for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the PDP
and, has reviewed the charter found at IRTP PDP-A WG Charter
The GSNO Council approves the charter and associated time lines and appoints Mike Rodenbaugh as the GNSO Council Liaison to the IRTP PDP Jun08 WG. The GNSO council further directs that the work of the IRTP PDP Jun08 WG be initiated no later then 14 days after the approval of this motion. Until such time as the WG can select a chair and that chair can be confirmed by the GNSO Council, the GNSO council Liaison shall act as interim chair.
Motion on GNSO "Improvements" (tabled on 25 Jun 08, modified for 17 July)
Motion: Avri Doria
The ICANN Board in resolution 2008.02.15.03 directed
the ICANN Staff to "draft a detailed implementation plan in
consultation with the GNSO", and
That such a plan was developed by the Planning Team composed of staff and GNSO members working jointly and in cooperation, and
That the ICANN board in resolution 2008.06.26.13, endorsed the recommendations of the Board
Governance Committee's GNSO Review Working Group, other than on GNSO
Council restructuring,
The GNSO Council approves the Framework defined in GNSO Improvements –
Top Level Plan of 21 June 2008 prepared by the GNSO Improvements
Planning Team as documented in
and request that constituencies and nomcom appointees begin the task of
naming representatives to serve in the two Standing Committees as
defined in the Top Level Plan by 7 August.