Agenda 17 July 2008
Agenda 17 July 2008
Item 0: Roll call of Council members (5)
Item 1: Update any statements of interest (5)
Item 2: Review/amend agenda (5)
- Added other business item
- Moved FF PDP WG report
- Added update on Reserved names and Absentee voting
Item 3: Approval of Minutes 29 May http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg05114.html (5)
Moved: Chuck
Second: Adrian
Passed with one abstention
Item 5a. Fast Flux PDP WG Update (Mike R)
Item 4: Board Update (Denise) (15)
Item 5: Status Update (15)
- moved to before Item 4
- Whois Hypotheses Group update (Chuck)
- 7 Aug - extension for report - no objections
- IRTP Denial Reasons PDP - Comment Period (ends 18 July) (Olof)
- Domain Tasting Consensus Policy - update on implementation (Rob)
- AGP Budget Fee implementation update (Rob)
- Reserved Names post comment period update
- Absentee voting - Update on Implementation
Item 6: Discussion of IDNC Report and GNSO Response (Edmon) (20)
- Drafting team to compose reponse by 31-Jul - no objection
- Council to discuss/decide on 7-Aug - no objection
Item 7: Review charter for PDP WG on Inter Registrar Transfer Policy Issues Report - Part A (Avri) (!5)
- charter approved. bu Unanimous voice vote. Mike Rodenbaugh to serve as Council Liaison
Item 8: GNSO Improvements (20)
- Update from GNSO Structure Consensus WG (Rob)
- Review comments on Top Level Plan (comments end 17 July) (Rob)
- Update on Staff activities
- Next Steps/Decision - no objections
- Planning team to take comments and final results and review/revise the plan. A Registrar Constituency member wil be assigned to the planning committee for tis effort.
- Revised plan to be submitted 2 weeks after final Board Decision.
- Plan to be voted on by Council at next meeting which is at least 2 weeks after the revised report is released.
Item 9: Other Business
- Introductory discussion on Geographic Regions in ICANN
- Form Drafting Team on response to request - no objections
Item 10: Action Item List