June 2022 - @ICANN74
June 2022 - @ICANN74
Members: Alejandra Reynoso, Biyi Oladipo, Jordan Carter, Souleymane Oumtanaga, Ali Hadji Mmadi, Ai-Chin Lu, Jiankang Yao, Chris Disspain, Irina Danelia, Nick Wenban-Smith, Jenifer Lopez, Demi Getschko, Stephen Deerhake, Sean Copeland, Pablo Rodriguez
NomCom/Observers/Liaisons/Regional Organizations: Javier Rua Jovet, Marie Noemie Marques, Tatiana Tropina
Guests: n/a
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,
Did not attend - no apology sent:
Recording: Zoom Playback
Transcript EN
Agenda: Draft Resolutions and Agenda meeting 184 - 16 June 2022 version 2.pdf
- ITEM 3 C agenda 184 - 16 June 2022.pdf
- Item C 4 meeting 184 16 June 2022.pdf
- ITEM C 1 meeting 184 ccNSO - Work Prioritisation Approach version 4 June 2022.pdf
- Item C1 meeting 184 - Overview ccNSO Work Items 07-22-06-24.pdf
Observers welcomeHOW TO JOIN:Please email Kim and Claudia for meeting details: kimberly.carlson@icann.org or claudia.ruiz@icann.org |