6 December 2018
Members: Katrina Sataki, Peter Vergote, Stephen Deerhake, Abdalla Omari, Debbie Monahan, Giovanni Seppia, Byron Holland, Hiro Hotta, Alejandra Reynoso, Demi Getschko, Margarita Valdes (11)
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Laura Margolis, Ajay Data, Jian Zhang (audio only), Wafa Dahamani, Philippe Fouquart, Barrack Otieno, Leonid Todorov
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Joke Braeken
Apologies: Abibu Ntahigiye (TBC)
Did not attend - no apology sent: Souleymane Oumtanaga, Young Eum Lee, Pablo Rodriguez
Recording: AC
Minutes EN
Agenda: Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 06 December 2018.pdf
- Item 4 agenda 6 December 2018 Electionreport_council_27nov2018.pdf
- Item 5 - 6 December 2018 ToR_ccNSOCOP_4dec2018v2.pdf
- item 6 - 6December 2018 Letter Roelof Meijer on Emoji SG Terms of Reference.pdf
- item 7 - 6 Decmber 2018 IFR letter - ccNSO.pdf
- Item 8.1 6 december agenda GuidelineAppointmentCANNBoard_UpdOct2018_v8_clean.pdf
- Item 8.2 6 December 2018 GuidelineLiaisonsObservers_updOctober18_v1clean.pdf
- Item 8.3 6December 2018 Guideline_ccNSOTravelSupport[1].pdf
- Item 8.4 6 December 2018 ccTLDWorldmailinglist_issues_29nov2018.pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOagenda-20181205-Kobe.pdf
- DRAFT-ccNSOBlockSchedule-20181205-Kobe.pdf
- GNSO Activity Report September 2018.pdf
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome everyone to today's Council call on 6 December at 11:00 UTC
Joke Braeken:hello everyone
Abdalla Omari:Hallo Everyone
Laura Margolis:good morning!
Laura Margolis:i dont know if my mic is working
Laura Margolis:i think my mic is mute
Kimberly Carlson:Have you activated it on AC yet?
Ajay Data:Kimberley , pl call me on +917014180080
Kimberly Carlson:of course, one minute
Debbie Monahan:hi all
Stephen Deerhake:-4c here this AM..
Joke Braeken:hello all, welcome! Just remember to mute your microphones when not speaking.
Stephen Deerhake:Hi Ajay. You sounded. fine.
Laura Margolis:good morning Alejandra
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning Alehabdra, Good morning Bart.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Hello ð
Philippe Fouquart:Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone
Stephen Deerhake:Minutes are fine by me...
Kimberly Carlson:Margarita and Byron on audio only
demi:good morning bart, joke, kim and all!
Kimberly Carlson:Good morning Demi
Stephen Deerhake:Debbie, you can't get away so easily ;-)
Joke Braeken:apologies. my line dropped.
Joke Braeken:need to dial in again
Joke Braeken:i am back
Stephen Deerhake:second.
Stephen Deerhake:Let's not scare them away... But we should invite them...
Ajay Data:In the decision, just as say that when the council member is seated, if we a
Ajay Data:also mention till when, it may be more clear. just a suggestion
Bart Boswinkel:That is in the ToR
Stephen Deerhake:move
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome Barrack, would you like me to redial you?
Barrack Otieno:no i am.fine here
Kimberly Carlson:thanks for confirming
Barrack Otieno:no i am ok
demi:byron +1
Bart Boswinkel:The SG is lloking at: The ESG would also welcome any presentations, memoranda or any other material you may deem relevant, and you would wish to share on this subject. The intent is to understand the different approaches and incorporate as many perspectives as possible into the Study Group report.
demi:Patrik Fallstron delivered a very good material on Emojis...
Byron Holland:Thank you Katrina
Stephen Deerhake:Let ICANN Org do the leg work on obtaining the non-objection.
Stephen Deerhake:Good point Byron.
Bart Boswinkel:All groups listed in Article 18.7 Byalws
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:There are some typos on the Guideline on the appointment of Board members. I'll send some observations later. ð§
Stephen Deerhake:second
Leonid Todorov:I would be happy to suggest ROs could do their part of the job
Barrack Otieno 2:+1 Leonid
Bart Boswinkel:The list was created to inform all ccTLDs about the IANA Stewardship process
Peter Van Roste:no mic
Peter Van Roste:but ok
Peter Van Roste:Could ICANN Finance Dept. publish an up-to-date dashboard of ccTLD contributions?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Can we do a cross reference on ccTLD that contribute and the attendance list of ccNSO members meetings?
Peter Van Roste:I think I have been asking for this for 10 years now. Literally.
Peter Van Roste:How much more time do they need?
Peter Van Roste:10 years? 20?
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Ok, thank you Bart
Peter Van Roste:Katrina, could the ccNSO formally ask for an up-to-date overview?
Stephen Deerhake:Peter, the project needs to "age"... ;-)
Stephen Deerhake:second
Stephen Deerhake:(A sleepy one...)
Peter Vergote:yes, that's correct
Kimberly Carlson:They are coming to us
demi:Nice work, Alejandra and group. Thanks!
Giovanni Seppia:For ccNSO-SOPC update, we sent out a message to confirm membership, and we will soon get organised to provide input to ICANN FY20 Operating Plan and Budget and 5 years Strategy Plan.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you Demi ð
Giovanni Seppia:i just sent it as i have another meeting coming up
Giovanni Seppia:pleasure
Philippe Fouquart:Re GNSO Sub pro WT 5, please note the Supplemental Initial Report just published for public comment at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_public-2Dcomments_geo-2Dnames-2Dwt5-2Dinitial-2D2018-2D12-2D05-2Den&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=x7JFUOZemuFCyS-O0Uub-fQ1P2180WAxqpv0QZs4AsQ&s=brVa2Gx-5WGSVNM8KsgkAEcSLonV96Y9bV6-9y55QcA&e=
demi:Just to reminf: Annebeth just send a call for comments to WT5 report... Until 22 January
Philippe Fouquart:Re the GNSO update, and in addition to WT5, please also note (in case you haven't...) the EPDP initial report
Philippe Fouquart:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_blog_the-2Depdp-2Dinitial-2Dreport-2Don-2Dgtld-2Dregistration-2Ddata-2Dis-2Dpublished-2Dpublic-2Dcomment-2Dperiod-2Dis-2Dnow-2Dopen&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=GKmFfRII4Fu5R2rvaGzd2eqNVicqdIuGnamKqfKpp0hrH9ye_zt36pZ_ZlAuB8NR&m=x7JFUOZemuFCyS-O0Uub-fQ1P2180WAxqpv0QZs4AsQ&s=CQRvY-hV21kc2BKeigMt3hE7lHsCf6o9iaZ_uGyS2ew&e=
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all!
Giovanni Seppia:Thanks everybody, I need to leave
Peter Van Roste:thanks and goodbye!
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Abdalla Omari:bye all thank you
Hiro Hotta:thanks, bye
Ajay Data:thank you and best wishes.
Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! Happy holidays!
Philippe Fouquart:Greetings to all. All the best
demi:Thanks to all. Bye!
Peter Vergote:Bye all and have a happey 2018 ending