Council Onboarding

Council Onboarding

Participating in ccNSO Council meetings


How the meetings are conducted

These meetings are usually held in two ways:

  • Most are held as teleconference calls.
  • Some are in-person meetings held during ICANN Public Meetings, currently held three times a year in different locations worldwide.  Meetings are open to observers, and Council Members who cannot attend these meetings in person can do so remotely via teleconference and other remote participation tools.   


For teleconference calls, Council members in most countries can use a toll-free telephone number. Alternatively, the staff can arrange for members to be called (to receive a “dial-out”). (email kimberly.carlson@icann.org)

Frequency and duration

The ccNSO Council meetings are usually held once per month for at least 90 minutes. Additional meetings (usually on specific topics) may also be scheduled, if necessary.   



Council member are expected to attend all ccNSO Council meetings, unless unable to do so because of an important professional or personal commitment that cannot be rescheduled.


A Council member who cannot attend a meeting is expected to do the following before the meeting:

  • Inform Bart Boswinkel and Kimberly Carlson that he/she will not be able to attend; and
  • Arrange for any responsibilities that he/she has during the meeting to be handled by another Council member.       

Link to most recent onboarding webinar:  https://participate.icann.org/p57ijcoq0th/
