Inter-meeting decisions

Inter-meeting decisions



THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve membership of Ann-Cathrin Marcussen (.no) to the ccNSO PDR Retirement Working Group.

The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Ann-Cathrin as a member of the WG.


In its letter dated 24 April 2017, the ICANN Board of Directors noted divergent views of the SSAC and ccNSO with respect to the following topics: Interpretation of RFC 6912; On similarity findings, and On mitigation measures. The Board suggested the ccNSO and SSAC collaboratively arrive at conclusions on these 3 issues and requested a joint briefing to further the Board's understanding of the topic. The ccNSO and SSAC agreed to set up a working party with two members from each group tasked to develop a common position on the 3 topics, if feasible. Both the ccNSO Council and SSAC would approve the document according to their own rules and procedures and then would send and present it to the Board. The Chair of the ccNSO and ccNSO members on the working party were informed that SSAC has adopted the Joint ccNSO SSAC Response to ICANN Board on EPSRP as proposed by the working party.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO SUPPORT the observations and recommendations of the working party (see:) and adopts the Joint ccNSO-SSAC Response to ICANN Board on EPSRP as proposed by the working party. The ccNSO Council particularly welcomes the proposed changes to section 5.6.3 of the current version of the Fast Track Implementation Plan (https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/idn-cctld-implementation-plan-05nov13-en.pdf).

The ccNSO Council request its Chair to inform the Chair of SSAC accordingly, and jointly submit the Joint Response.

The ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates the members of the working party: Suzanne Woolf (SSAC), Jeff Bedser (SSAC), Hiro Hotta (ccNSO), Wafa Dahmani (ccNSO), for their work on the paper and for finding a common position.


Demi Getschko has been selected by the ccNSO Council to serve on the Third Review of ICANN's Accountability and Transparency (ATRT3)


Annebeth Lange has been appointed by the ccNSO Council as co-chair to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group within the GNSO


Based on the preferences received up until the deadline of 28 July 2017, 17:00 UTC, Pablo Rodriquez has been selected as the ccNSO representative to the FY2018 NomCom


The ccNSO Council has chosen Jordan Carter (.nz) to replace Mathieu Weill as the ccNSO appointed co-chair of the CCWG Accountability effective immediately.


The ccNSO Council the suggestion to limit the scope of the ATRT3 review.


The ccNSO Council designated Wafa Dahmani, as its liaison to the At Large Advisory Committee, replacing Ron Sherwood.


Adoption Election report special Election North American region 
 Adoption ccNSO Council response SO/AC Accountability survey CCWG-Accountability 
 Selection replacement Katrina Sataki ccNSO appointed RZERC: Peter Koch  
 Decision to participate as ccNSO in CWG Auction Proceeds (30 September 2016), pending formal approval of charter  
 Selection and Appointment EC Admin Committee: Stephen Deerhake members on CSC 
 Selection and Appointment EC Admin Committee: Stephen Deerhake members on CSC 
 ccNSO Council Statement / input public comment IANA Naming Functions Agreement 
 Interim appointment chair ccNSO as member of RZERC  
 Approval full-slate CSC and joint ccNSO/GNSO Council statement  
 Selection NomCom appointee  
 Selection CCWG Accountability Members  
 Selection and Appointment ccNSO members on CSC  
 Deferral of Special Council election AF region (to replace Vika Mpisane) to same period as regular Council elections  

Adoption of new members to the Travel Funding Committee, Triage Committee, Membership Application oversight 

  • Triage committee – Celia Lerman Friedman, Margarita Valdes, Debbie Monahan
  • Travel Funding Committee – Celia Lerman Friedman, Young Eum Lee, Soulemane Oumtanaga
  • Membership Application Oversight – Abibu Ntahigiye

Adoption of new guidelines:

  • Guideline:  ccNSO Work Plan
  • Guideline:  ccNSO Working Groups
  • Guideline:  ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities
  • Guideline:  ccNSO Statements
  • Guideline:  ccNSO Meetings
  • Guideline:  ccNSO Collaboration Groups with Limited Scope


  • Charter:  ccNSO Meetings Programme Work Group
  • Charter:  ccNSO Council Triage Committee

    Adoption of change to the Travel Funding Guideline – it was agreed that the Council would go back to the guideline and revise it by the end of the year
  Appointment of additional volunteers to the Guideline Review Committee.

The volunteers are:
Christelle Vaval
Martin Boyle
Maarten Simon

  Annual Work Plan 2016-2018 was adopted