Work plan 2016-2018
Monthly Workplan ccNSO version February 2017.pdf
High level description of ccNSO Work Plan 2016-2018
At its workshop meeting in Marrakesh (6 March 2016) , the ccNSO Council discussed and established the activities the ccNSO is expected to undertake and/or anticipated to be involved in over the next 2 (two) years, 2016-2018.
Clusters of activities
In order to allow easier oversight and administration of these activities by Council, all the envisioned activities have been categorised included into the following clusters:
- IANA Stewardship and Accountability
- ccNSO Policy and policy related work
- ICANN Focused work
- Administration of the ccNSO and ccNSO Council
- Outreach and Engagement
For each of these clusters the main activities are described in relation to ICANN/and or community processes or projects and the ccNSO groups, if any, involved. The clusters, activities etc. are listed in Table 1 (page 2-4).
In addition, and as further step in evolution of the roles of the chair and vice-chairs, each cluster has been assigned to a “cluster owner”(for lack of a better term) e.g. to the chair or one of the vice-chairs. This has been done to strengthen collective leadership, ease the workload for the chair and ensure continuity of activities on going basis in the different areas. A “cluster owner” will act as point of contact with respect to the ccNSO activities in the cluster, both internally and externally. The names associated with each of the clusters are also included in Table 1.
Another view of the content in Table 1 is included in Annex A: ccNSO Work plan 2016-2018, which is a mind map showing the clusters, cluster owners, main activities and relevant ccNSO (WG) groups.
Detailed view of ccNSO activities per cluster
Using the clustering of activities and projects, an overview of the main work items, related actions and milestones as foreseen is provided. In Table 2-6 for each of the cluster the following data points are provided:
- Activity. The term used to identify the activity or project
- Description. A brief description of the activity or projects
- Launch date. Date a project or activity is expected to be launched. If on-going it is either described as such or with starting date March 2016.
- Target date. Anticipated end-date / date of closure. Note that in some cases the activity may be on going ( for example triaging request form other SOs or AC by yhe Triage committee.
- Owner. The ccNSO group or ccNSO appointed chair or person managing/administrating the project or activity
- Priority. Priority, if any, assigned to the project or activity by the ccNSO Council
- Actions/Status/dependencies. Additional remarks, which may be useful for management of the project or activity
Further, the list of projects and activities has been loaded in a project management tool, to provide overview in GANTT chart format (Annex B ccNSO Portfolio 2016-2018). The GANTT chart will also be used to allow Council to track progress of the activities and projects and plan the launch.
Table 1 Clusters, activities and “cluster owner”
ccNSO Portfolio: clusters of projects and activities | |||||
Cluster | Description | (ICANN) community processes/projects | (ccNSO) groups | Cluster Owner | Comments |
IANA Stewardship Transition and ICANN Accountability | All ccNSO related projects and activities around the IANA Stewardship Transition and enhancement of Accountability | Implementation of CWG-Stewardship & CCWG –Accountability
CCWG – Accountability WS 2
Implementation WS 2 | ISTACC
CCWG – Accountability
Implementation Oversight Task Force | Byron Holland |
ccNSO Policy and policy related work | All on-going and new ccNSO policy development and policy related work, including implementation | IDN ccPDP completion
Implementation of IDN ccPDP
ccNSO PDP retirement & review mechanism
Re-launch IDN PDP to include IDN variants
Implementation FOI
Internet Governance with ICANN
New gTLD realted work
ccNSO PDP WG 1 (review)
ccNSO PDP WG 2 (retirement)
FoI Advisory Team
IDN ccPDP Implementation Advisory
| Demi Getschko | Currently WG listed which could be closed, never active
ICANN focused work | Review and Evaluation of ICANN Plans Operational aspects
Post IANA Transition Groups
Accountability processes and (virtual) groups
Cross-community WG on Framework for use of CCWG’s
| Affirmation of Commitments reviews (ATRT, WHOIS, SSR)
Review ICANN Strategic Plan, 5 years Ops Plan update and FY 17, 18 Ops plan and Budget
IANA post transition group and procedures
Accountability processes and (virtual) groups | SOPWG
AoC Review Committees
Empowered Community
CCWG2 | Katrina Sataki | Includes new to be formed groups, that will interact with ccNSO post transition |
Administration of ccNSO Council and ccNSO | Activities to manage and administer activities of the ccNSO and ccNSo Council | (s) Election & Nomination processes
Council meetings
Work plan
Council Roles & responsibilities ccNSO Review
Guideline review and adherence Application ccNSO membership
CRM ccNSO (maintenance email lists, contact details)
ccNSO Voting tool ccNSO review | Triage Committee
ccNSO Council
GRC (non Stewardship related)
CCWG Framework CCWGs
| Katrina Sataki |
Outreach and Engagement | Cluster of Projects and Activities to manage and administer Outreach and Engagement efforts focused on broader ccTLD community
| Interaction with ICANN SO and AC ICANN leadership
SO/AC meetings
ccNSO meeting days
TLDP-OPS mailing list
SO/AC chairs meeting
Review and revamp Web-site Social Media
Update RO meetings | SOPWG
Programme WG
TLD-OPS Steering Committee
SO/AC meeting and info list
Travel Funding Committee
| Katrina Sataki |
Table 2
Projects and Activities related to IANA Stewardship Transition and associated enhancement of ICANN’s Accountability
Proposed owner of cluster: Byron Holland
IANA Stewardship Transition and ICANN Accountability (Byron Holland) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
Implementation of CWG-Stewardship
| Interaction on behalf ccNSO with CWG, ICAN staff and leadership on Implementation of CWG –Stewardship Proposals
CWG internal oversight committee | March 2016 | First phase to be completed mid-August 2016, Consecutive phases Anticipated end date 2018 | ccNSO appointed members CWG | HIGH | All committees, procedures for post transition IANA need to be implemented. Sequence determined by required timeline as proposed by CWG-Stewardship
Implementation Oversight Task Force |
Implementation of IANA Stewardship related ccNSO specific processes and procedures | Implementation of set of processes and procedures that MUST be in place for Stewardship transition | August 2015 | 15 August 2016 | Guideline Review Committee (GRC) | HIGH | Development of ccNSO specific processes and procedures, around |
Implementation of set of processes and procedures that follow from the Stewardship transition | August 2016 |
| GRC |
| |
Implementation of CCWG-Accountability
| Interaction on behalf ccNSO with CWG, ICANN staff and leadership on Implementation of CCWG –Accountability WS 1 Proposals | March 2016 | First phase to be completed mid August 2016, Consecutive phases
| ccNSO appointed members CCWG | HIGH | All mechanisms, committees, procedures for post transition to meet requirements CCWG need to be implemented. Sequence determined by requirements and timeline as proposed by CCWG-Accountability
Implementation of CCWG-Accountability specific ccNSO specific rules and procedures
| Implementation of set of Accountability processes and procedures that MUST be in place for Stewardship transition | April 2016 | 30 September 2016 (?) | GRC | HIGH | What, if anything, needs to be in place still needs to be be determined |
Implementation of set of WS 1 Accountability processes and procedures that will be in place following Stewardship transition | 30 September |
| GRC | HIGH |
| |
CCWG – Accountability WS 2
| Coordinate discussions and actions on CCWG – Accountability WS 2 | March 2016 | ? | ccNSO appointed members and participants CCWG |
Implementation WS 2 | Interaction on behalf ccNSO with CCWG, ICANN staff and leadership on Implementation of CCWG –Accountability WS 2 Proposals | 2017 |
| GRC |
| In schedule, if and when implementation will start not defiend. |
Coordination Council, CWG and CCWG members | Coordination across ccNSO appointed members CWG, CCWG and ccNSO Council | On-going |
| Chair ISTACC |
Coordination CWG members | ccTLD community internal coordination | On going |
| Chair ISTC |
| Two out of 5 WG members are not involved engaged. |
Project Cost Support Team | Initial effort to manage costs ICANN & community lead efforts, in particular if external expertise is hired (law-firms other) | March 2016 | June 2016 | Chair and vice-chair ccNSO (Debbie) Monitor the issue with SOP WG |
| Effort to be monitored to assess impact on broader work |
ICG | ICG is in hibernation up & until coordination is needed between different IANA Function user communities to implement their proposals. | On going | October 2016 | Keith Davidson, Martin Boyle, Mary Uduma, Xiuadong Lee |
Table 3
Projects and Activities of policy development and policy related ccNSO efforts. Includes implementation efforts
Porposed owner of cluster: Demi Getschko
Policy and Policy related work (Demi Getschko) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner
| Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
IDN ccPDP completion | Ensure closure of the IDN ccPDP | On-going | October 2016 |
| Final Report submitted to Board. Awaiting closure test phase of Extended Process similarity review process (EPSRP).
Develop Guidelines EPSRP |
| June 2016 | EPSRP WG (Giovanni Seppia)
| Middle | Series of Guidelines under development, at request Board. WG includes members GAC. SSAc has been informed
| |
Implementation team IDN ccPDP | October 2016 |
| LOW | According to recommendations, create a advisory team, to monitor and advise staff on implementation | |
FoI Implementation | Monthly (regular) ccNOS Council meetings | On-going | Mid-August 2016 | Advisory team (Becky Burr, Keith Davidson | HIGH | Advise and provide responses to questions IANA staff on implementation Framework of Interpretation |
ccNSO PDP retirement & review mechanism
| Develop framework for launch combined PDP | March 2016 | June 2016 | Chair ccNSO | HIGH | In preparation launch develop framework for launch and running PDP, Includes sense of community in Marrakesh. Include impact analyses one or two separate PDPs.
Launch PDP, focus on Review mechanism for decisions on Delegation, revocation, and transfer decisions | June 2016 | October 2016 | Issue manager | HiGH | ISSUE Report, Council decision | |
WG 1 Phase, October 2018 | June 2017 | Issue Manager | HIGH | Call for volunteers WG 1, Public comment, substantial work on review mechanism. Note potential conflict with WS 2 Accoutability | ||
Launch Retirement ccTLD phase | Issue reporting July 2017 | October 2017 |
| HIGH |
| |
WG 2 Phase (October 2017 | June 2018 |
| ||
Voting Phase combined PDP | July 2018 | October 2018 | Issue manager |
| Assumption of one PDP. And end-vote on full set of recommendations | |
Use of Country & Territory names as TLD | CCWG launched to assess feasibility of frasmework for use of names of country and territories listed on ISO 3166-1 as TLDs as (IDN) ccTLD and/or gTLD | On-going | March 2017 | Annebeth Lange, Paul Szyndler |
| Cross-community Working group recommendations to feed into policy work of ccNSO and GNSO. To be completed by launch of policy work on second round new gTLDs |
Internet Governance efforts | Cross-community WG to consolidate work community on Internet Governence issues | On-going |
| Young Eum Lee |
| CCWG was created to ensure efforts would be endorsed by Supporting organisation and advisory committees (in response to Netmundial community input).
Question for community discussion: Is CCWG still right vehicle for effort (assumption no concrete output that could imply the ccNSO)
Table 4
Projects and Activities focused on providing input on ICANN plans (none policy related) with a potential impact on ccTLD community.
Proposed Cluster owner: Katrina Sataki
ICANN Focused work (Katrina Sataki) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
ICANN FY 17 Ops Plan & Budget process | Provide input to ICANN’s FY 17 Ops Plan & Budget | March 2016 | April 2016 | SOPWG |
| Focus on Operational aspects
ICANN 5 year ops Plan update | Provide input to ICANN’s FY 17-20 Ops Plan | March 2016 | April 2016 | SOPWG |
| Focus on Operational aspects
ICANN FY 18 Ops Plan & Budget process | Provide input to ICANN’s FY 18 Ops Plan & Budget | March 2017 | April 2017 | SOPWG |
| Focus on Operational aspects
ICANN 5 year ops Plan update | Provide input to ICANN’s FY 18-20 Ops Plan | March 2017 | April 2018 | SOPWG |
| Focus on Operational aspects
Interaction Post transition groups and committees | Interaction between ccNSO and CSC and other groups post transition of IANA Stewardship | 1 October 2016 | On going | GRC |
| Processes and procedures to be defined by GRC. Requirements/parameters included final Proposal ICG (assuming approval by NTIA)
Accountability processes and (virtual) groups
| Interaction between ccNSO and Accountability processes and (virtual) groups (Empowered community) | January 2017 | On-going |
| Processes and procedures to be defined. By GRC. Requirements/parameters included final Proposal CCWG-Accountability
Accountability Processes ccNSO & others | Interaction between ccNSO and Accountability processes flowing from WS 2 | January 2018 | On-going | GRC |
| Operational ccNSO related processes and procedures flowing from WS 2. To be defined by GRC or its successor
Affirmation Reviews | ATRT, WHOIS Consumer protection and SSR reviews | Consumer choice review started in January 2017 | March 2019 |
| Timing of reviews not well defined. Review teams may request members from ccTLD community General overview:
Cross-community WG on Framework for use of CCWG’s
| CCWG to develop framework and principles for the creation and use of CCWGs,
| On-going | October 2016 | CCWG2 ( Becky Burr) |
| CCWG currently first public comment. Takes into account CCWG Accountability and others.
Table 5
Projects and Activities to manage and administer activities of the ccNSO and ccNSO Council
Proposed Cluster Owner: Katrina Sataki
Administration of ccNSO Council and ccNSO (Katrina Sataki) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
ccNSO Members application | Oversee and execute members application process | Ongoing |
| Abibu / Secretariat |
| Oversee and execute members application process. |
ccNSO Council Meetings | Monthly (regular) ccNOS Council meetings | Ongoing ( monthly) |
| Chair of the ccNSO Council |
| Scheduling, Agenda setting preparatory meetings. Oversight secretariat
Include reference to ccNSO Council meetings once adopted |
Oversight and appointment ccNSO WG | Oversee progress and progress WG and CCWG in which ccNSO is participating. | Ongoing |
| ccNSO Guideline WGs and possibly
Include link Guideline when adopted |
Annual Work Plan 16-18 | Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop | March 2016 | March 2018 | Chair ccNSO / secretariat |
| Describe annual work plan, based on annual discussion
Include Guideline when adopted |
Prep Annual Work Plan 17-19 | Describe annual work plan, based on discussion at annual planning workshop | January 2017 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO / secretariat |
Monthly Work plan | Provide overview and update at detailed level of recently completed and upcoming activities/events | April 2016 | Ongoing | Chair ccNSO / Secretariat |
Triage/ prioritization | Assess importance and urgency for ccTLD to respond/participate in activities. | Ongoing |
| Triage Committee |
| |
Council Roles and Responsibilities | Assign(ed) roles and responsibilities to Councillors | March 2016 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO |
| Include Guideline when adopted |
Chair, vice-chair selection | Annual ccNSO chair and vice –chair selection by ccNSo Council | January 2017 | March 2017 | Chair ccNSO |
| Launch process for annual chair and vice-chairs election. Announce at January Council meeting |
CSC members and liaisons appointment | Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members and approval of full slate of members and liaisons Customer Standing Committee | June 2016 | 15 August 2016 | Appointed Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community.
Interaction with RySG and GNSO |
RZERC member appointment | Appointment by ccNSO of ccTLD members on RZERC | June 2016 | 15 August 2016 | Appointed Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be developed by GRC and approved by Council at meeting in Helsinki, after consultation community |
Appointment ccNSO member on NomCom | ccNSO needs to appoint member on NomCom 2017, by September 2016. | May 2016 | July 2016 | Appointed selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure |
ccNSO Council Election 2017 | Annual Council Elections | August 2016 | January 2017 (in case of run-off elections) | Council election manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Elected Councillors will take seat in March 2017 |
Board Seat 11 (S)Election | ccNSO Selection for Board 11 | October 2016? | March 2017 (Run-off needs to concluded in March 2017 (6 months before October 2017) | Board Seat Selection manager |
| Procedure needs to be updated by GRC and approved by Council before start of procedure. Selected Board member will take seat in March 2017 |
ccNSO Review | ICANN Bylaw required review ccNSO | (Not earlier then January 2017) |
Table 6
Projects and Activities to manage and administer Outreach and Engagement efforts focused on broader ccTLD community
Proposed Cluster Owner: Katrina Sataki
Interaction and Engagement (Katrina Sataki) | ||||||
Activity | Description | Launch date | Target date | Owner | Priority | Actions/Status/dependencies |
ccNSO Meetings Helsinki (ICANN 56) | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting Helsinki ( 27-30 June 2016 | March 2016 | July 2016 | Programme WG |
| Includes Agenda, Scheduling, Survey and review.
Include reference to Guideline and charter Program WG when adopted |
Tech Day ICANN 56 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 56 | March 2016 | June 2016 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel funding Helsinki |
| March 2016 | June 2016 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
ccNSO Meeting ICANN 57 | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 57(28 Oct – 3 Nov 2016) | August 2016 | November 2016 | Programme WG |
Include reference Guideline and charter Program WG when adopted |
Tech Day ICANN 57 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 57 | August | November 2016 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel funding ICANN 57 |
| August 2016 | November 2016 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
ccNSO Meeting ICANN 58 | Coordinate all aspects re ccTLD meeting ICANN 58 (11-16 March 2017) | December 2016 | March 2017 | Programme WG |
(Include Guideline, when adopted) |
Tech Day ICANN 58 | Coordinate Tech Day @ ICANN 58 | January 2017 | March 2017 | Tech WG |
ccNSO Travel Funding ICANN 58 |
| November 2016 | March 2017 | ccNSO Travel Funding Committee |
| |
SO/AC chairs meeting | Formal meeting with chairs other SA/ACs | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? |
| Part of ICANN meeting |
Meeting with gNSO Council, GAC and ALC | Formal meeting with other SO and ACs | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? |
| No structure in place ( ad-hoc agenda setting committees. Formalise to ensure broad support? |
TLD-OPS mailing list | All aspects relating to incident response mailing list
| Ongoing |
| TLD-OPS Standing Committee |
| Re-appointment of Steering committee March 2017.
Extension of list to information sharing and inclusion other TLDs |
Review and Revamp ccNSO Website | ccNSO web-site will be redesigned | October 2016 | June 2017 | ?/Secretariat |
| Create user group to under auspices secretariat. Define user requirements and provide feed-back to ICANN communication |
Social Media | User of twitter, Facebook and other channels | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? / Secretariat |
| Create support group which together with secretariat will maintain and use social media for and from community |
Update Regional Org meetings | Provide basic updates to ccTLD at Regional Organisations meetings | March 2016 | March 2017 | ? / Secretariat |
| Provide basis slide set to Councillors who will inform ccTLD at Regional Organisations. Set up pool of Councillors, and basic template |