Draft Report

Draft Report

Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2) Draft Report & Recommendations

Comment / Reply Periods (*)
Comment Open Date: 
21 October 2013
Comment Close Date: 
22 November 2013 - 11:59 UTC
Reply Open Date: 
23 November 2013
Reply Close Date: 
13 December 2013 - 11:59 UTC
Important Information Links
Brief Overview
Originating Organization: 
Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2)
  • AoC
  • ATRT 2
  • Policy Processes
  • Reviews/Improvements
  • Transparency/Accountability
Purpose (Brief): 
To inform its work, ATRT 2 seeks input on its Draft Report & Recommendations [PDF, 3.06 MB].
Current Status: 
ATRT 2 is completing its analysis and preparing to hold consultations with Community, staff and Board, with the goal of issuing final recommendations and report by 31 December 2013.
Next Steps: 
ATRT 2 seeks public comments and will hold consultations during ICANN 48 in Buenos Aires.
Staff Contact: 
Alice Jansen (on behalf of ATRT2)
Detailed Information
Section I: Description, Explanation, and Purpose: 
With the goal of producing final recommendations by 31 December 2013, the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT 2), mandated by paragraph 9.1 of the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC), is completing its analysis and holding consultations with Community, staff and Board. To inform its work, the ATRT 2 now seeks input from the Community on its Draft Report & Recommendations [PDF, 3.06 MB] and Correction Issued 7 November 2013 compiled for the Community's consideration. Community participation is essential to the success of the review, and all input will be carefully considered. The ATRT 2 welcomes any additional feedback.
Section II: Background: 

The Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) issues this request for Public Comment on a set of Draft Proposed Recommendations [PDF, 3.06 MB] and Correction Issued 7 November 2013 that it has developed as part of its review of ICANN's execution of its commitments to accountability and transparency under the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC). The ATRT2 will provide final recommendations to the ICANN Board no later than December 31, 2013.

ATRT 2, mandated by paragraph 9.1 of the Affirmation of Commitments (AoC), commenced its activities in February 2013. The Review Team has collected feedback from the Community by means of a questionnaire as well as numerous consultations during the past six months. ATRT 2 has considered this feedback carefully in drafting its preliminary recommendations. With the goal of producing final recommendations by 31 December 2013, the Review Team is currently in the process of completing its analysis and preparing to hold consultations with Community, staff and Board.

ATRT 2 has three fundamental tasks under the AoC:

  1. to assess ICANN's implementation of Recommendations of the three prior AoC Review Teams;
  2. to offer new Recommendations to the ICANN Board to further improve ICANN's accountability and transparency ; and
  3. to offer Recommendations concerning improvements to the Review process itself.

ATRT 2 has organized the work into four work streams:

  • ATRT1 – review of implementation of ATRT1 Review Team recommendations and offer any follow-on recommendations – AoC 9.1 (a)-(e);
  • Security, Stability and Resiliency – review of implementation of SSR Review Team recommendations - AoC 9.2(a)-(c);
  • WHOIS – review of implementation of WHOIS Review Team recommendations AoC 9.3.1;
  • Consider the extent to which assessments and actions undertaken by ICANN have been successful in ensuring that ICANN is acting transparently, is accountable for its decision-making, and acts in the public interest.

To inform its work, the ATRT 2 now seeks input from the Community on Proposed Draft Recommendations[PDF, 3.06 MB] and Correction Issued 7 November 2013 compiled for the Community's consideration. Community participation is essential to the success of the review, and all input will be carefully considered. The ATRT 2 welcomes any additional feedback.

Section III: Document and Resource Links: 
Section IV: Additional Information: 

(*) Comments submitted after the posted Close Date/Time are not guaranteed to be considered in any final summary, analysis, reporting, or decision-making that takes place once this period lapses.