Questions on Implementation

Questions on Implementation

  • What was the baseline?
  • What did s/he understand the recommendation to be? 
  • What did s/he understand the underlying issue to be that led to the recommendation?
  • What did s/he understand the desired outcome to be from the recommendation?
  • How did s/he implement the recommendation?  What options were considered and how was the actual option chosen for implementation?
  • Percentage/portion that is complete?
  • Does s/he believe ICANN fully implemented the recommendation?  If not, why not? If not, what parts were not implemented, and why not?
  • Did s/he run into any new or unforeseen problems or issues while implementing the recommendation? (i.e. scope increase, costs, legal, resources, timing)
  • Did s/he identify additional opportunities for improvement by virtue of the implementation of these recommendations?
  • What has been the outcome and effect both inside ICANN and external to ICANN as a result of the implementation of the recommendation?
  • What has been the feedback both inside ICANN and external to ICANN as a result of the implementation of the recommendation?
  • How does s/he feel that ICANN has improved as a result of the implementation of the recommendation?
  • What were the dependencies as seen from each group involved in implementation?    
  • In view of ATRT1 what changes in workflows and/or organization where undertaken?      

Questions prepared by the ATRT 2 in Beijing and on 18 April in anticipation of interactions with ICANN staff members responsible for implementation of Review Team recommendations.

Follow Up Questions For ICANN Staff (for discussion)