ATRT2 Implementation Program

ATRT2 Implementation Program

Welcome to the ATRT2 Implementation Program Wiki!

On this space you will find information on implementation initiatives and activities of the second Accountability and Transparency Review, including key performance indicators and other relevant metrics.

31 December 2013 - The Second Accountability & Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) delivered 12 recommendations to the ICANN Board of Directors. Read the ATRT2 recommendations and report here (translations available).

26 June 2014 The ICANN Board of Directors accepted all ATRT2 Recommendations and directed the President and CEO, through his designee(s), to proceed with implementation. More here.

ATRT2 Implementation

  • The implementation of recommendations from the Second Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT2) began in June 2014, as soon as ICANN’s Board of Directors accepted the recommendations through resolution directing ICANN to begin the work. 
  • The ATRT3 delivered an assessment of ATRT2 implementation in its Final Report in May 2020.
  • The Board approved ATRT3 Recommendation 2 "ICANN org shall review the implementation of ATRT2 Recommendations in light of ATRT3's assessment and complete their implementation subject to prioritization (see recommendation on the creation of a prioritization process)". in November 2020
  • ATRT3 Recommendation 2 was prioritized as a P4 (Lowest Priority-Less Urgent/Less Important) by the community Prioritization Group in May 2022. 
  • ICANN org delivered an ATRT3 Recommendation Implementation Report in February 2024, thereby completing ATRT3 Recommendation 2.

Implementation Executive Summary

Archived Executive Summaries

Implementation Dashboard

Archived Implementation Dashboard Reports


Archived Scorecards

What is ATRT?

To help ensure ICANN's multi-stakeholder model remains transparent and accountable, and to improve its performance, ICANN organizes community reviews of its accountability and transparency commitments no less frequently than every three years, consistent with section 9.1 of the Affirmation of Commitments.

The Accountability and Transparency reviews are performed by volunteer Community members and include the following (or their designated nominees): the Chair of the GAC, the Chair of the Board of ICANN, the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information of the DOC, representatives of the relevant ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations, and independent experts.  More information here.

The first review completed under the AoC contained 27 recommendations to enhance activities throughout ICANN.