Form Instructions
To complete each individual Metric Form, please follow these instructions carefully.
Project Task:
The Staff task is to fill out, to the maximum extent feasible, those data elements of each Metric Form that have yet to be completed (varies).
Form/Template Structure:
You will note that a page has already been created for each of the more than 70 Metrics identified. The page title should not be changed because the Metric Number refers to the original GNSO and ALAC memoranda which may be useful for reference purposes.
Each Metric page has been subdivided into 4 major sections:
- Proposed Metric Section (Please DO NOT Edit)
- Staff Information/Analysis Section
- Metric Effectiveness and Utility Section
- Detailed Itemization & Tracking of Issues
Step 1: To begin working on any particular Metric, click on the <Edit Contents> menu option which is located just above the page title.
Step 2: Once the Form is opened, you will generally find two columns:
- Left: A specific question about the Metric in bold text along with any explanatory notes in italicized parentheses.
- Right: A text block or drop-down menu to accommodate an answer.
- Clicking into a text field will open up a free-form window into which you may enter/edit comments; formatting options are available including bullets, numbering, et al.
- Clicking into a drop-down menu will make available certain pre-populated entries from which you make a selection.
A sample page has been completed to show how each of the fields is intended to be answered; see: Metric X.Y (Illustrative Example).
Step 3: In the last Form section entitled, "Detailed Itemization & Tracking of Issues," you will find five (5) color-coded categories: Metric Questions & Issues, Metric Effectiveness & Utility, Technical/Implementation, Financial/Cost/Budgetary, and Other.
- Each of these categories can accommodate up to 500 individual rows.
- To add a new Issue, click the green <
>. To remove or delete a row, click the red to the far right <
- There are fields available for the Reference Number (sequential beginning with "1"), Issue Description, Originator, Status (drop-down menu), and Comments (which can include disposition).
Step 4: Once all of your changes have been entered, be sure to <Save> the form at the bottom of the page. You may also <Cancel> if you want to discard a set of changes.
The Wiki saves all prior versions of a page. If a serious mistake has occurred and you need to restore a prior version, please complete a Technical Request Form which you will find at the bottom of the page. An Administrator will contact you to help resolve the problem.
How to Edit Later: You may return at any time to edit the content. Simply locate the Metric page, then click on the top menu bar <Edit Contents>. Don’t forget to <Save> any changes you make.
How to Link to This Page: Both standard and tiny links (URL) are available to each Metric page. The tiny link has the advantage that it will always refer to the correct Wiki location even if the page is moved from one location to another. It can be thought of as a "permalink." To access the tiny link, go to the Tools menu and click "Link to this page..." You will see both standard and tiny links, either of which may be copied and pasted to another Wiki or website. (Hint: you may also use the keyboard shortcut "k" which will display the links available).